
You know, I understand the point of having seperate male and female sports when they require physical activity, as there are obvious physical differences that make different categories make sense.

I love that not only did he apologize to her for having to deal with that woman's bullshit, he did the humane thing and gave the new mom more caffeine. That dude needs a raise.

No, racism does not work both ways. Prejudice works both ways. But not racism. We're going to do math again, okay?


You seem miserable and unloved and for that I am truly sorry. I hope that you can find some peace in your life.

I'm not anorexic so that was an insignificant insult to throw at me. Also, thinspiration is not a word that existed before Internet (tumblr specifically) so to continue to ignore its context and implications simply makes you appear ill-informed.

-An estimated 10-15% of people with anorexia or bulimia are male.9

An insignificantly small portion, eh?

He went on to call the commenter that challenged him a cunt, so I don't think that he'd be inclined to care about issues that affect women regardless of his familiarity with the term.

That said, the word thinspiration is an obvious portmanteau of two words that weren't originally intended to have a negative

That has nothing to do with what Internet-savvy folks know as thinspiration, but thanks for playing.

Go look up thinspiration and see what you find? But you don't care, just as long as they look like skeletons right? Thinspiration is harmful because, it comes from pro anorexia and pro bulimia.

It affects his worldview and opportunity to be knowledgeable about body image issues that affect women? Is it really that far-fetched? On the pyramid of privilege he'd be the least likely to be familiar with the term?

I don't blame him for the initial use of the hashtag...I'm sure the average privileged white male is not aware of the connotation behind the word "thinspiration." Fine. But WOW, way to react when people call you out! What an idiot.

I wonder what the population of women in women-only prisons is? I bet it's higher.

Exactly. Thank you.

Please, please let us make this a thing.

This is now my standard answer for the question "why are you doing that?"

I feel like this is now an acceptable response to the more ridiculous comments on Jezebel. EXCUSE YOU, I'M A VERY IMPORTANT PERSON. I SELL MONOGRAMMED COFFEE THERMOSES.

I'm a very important person. I sell monogrammed coffee thermoses.

"Well, you never know. I'm a very important person. I sell monogrammed coffee thermoses."