But, hey, you can buy your Christmas decorations in April, though, so it's really a wash, right?
But, hey, you can buy your Christmas decorations in April, though, so it's really a wash, right?
That's not the point. The SC has just established that corporations have legally-protected religious beliefs.
Don't like the ruling? Don't work at Hobby Lobby or Conestoga Wood.
I desperately, desperately need a Jewish or Muslim-owned corporation to cancel someone's health plan for eating bacon, or a Christian Scientist business to refuse to cover surgery or blood transfusions in the benefits package, or any corporation to refuse to cover boner pills unless the employee can prove he will be…
SO happy a store like Hobby Lobby was able to get the SCOTUS to agree that womens bodies are less important than their holier than thou bullshit.
I'm shaking in anger. Fuck all these justices straight to hell.
I knew they would. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that this right wing majority would rule in favor of further limiting a womans rights. If you notice, the employers right only apply to my birth control, not my ability to get a blood transfusion. Nope, only my pussy matters. I'm going to my happy place now, winter in…
They narrowed the decision to ONLY the contraception question, to avoid all those pesky worries and questions about not covering blood transfusions, vaccines, etc.
In a yet another ruling that indicates that we'd enjoy better legal protection if we just incorporated our…
actually, slamming a woman on the car is standard response, as long as said woman isn't white.
Even if she got mouthy that is not an excuse for violence.
I'm going to slam you on this car.
When a campus cop tells a woman hes going to slam her on the car if she doesnt obey him, and the college thinks thats perfectly ok, there is seriously something very wrong with that college.
well, I mean, she was walking while black, so...what did she expect was gonna happen?
Mounting an internet campaign in the name of 'misandry' probably...
And your comment on this would be what? Amateur whining?
Couldn't bring yourself to say Sexy School Boy 'cause it's pretty gross, right? Yeah, so is Sexy School Girl.
I'm sure the fact that only like 30 people signed up for it may have had something to do with it. Seriously, the race's facebook page is tragic.
It is not your arguments. They don't make me uncomfortable, just sad that you think something so ridiculous, so obviously untrue. What facts do you need? These are philosophical arguments that you have misinterpreted terribly. I really don't know what to say to it. I tell you point blank, "Here is what feminism is."…