
"We're the new Jews in Germany," Schroeder told Rolling Stone, "except we don't wear stars."

"neo-Nazi reggae"

"We're the new Jews in Germany," Schroeder told Rolling Stone, "except we don't wear stars."

Fine, fine, I will read the goddamn Nazi hipster article if everyone insists on talking about it all the time. BUT FIRST. Nipster? No. It sounds like a racial slur or a defunct music downloading program. The obvious term is Adolf Hipster. Why do I have to do everything myself around here? How stupid are you, Rolling

Maybe he just hasn't heard enough people say that? I frequently see people talking about how he ruins the movie and that he's the worst comic relief character of all time, etc. I completely disagree, but if that's all he's heard I could see him thinking it's just all a bad scene.

This was the plan to sterilize millennials. It's working perfectly.

Won't somebody please think of the ballsacks?

About damn time. I mean, men in skinny jeans are still ridiculous in 99% of cases but yay for well cut suits that fit, instead of those nasty, too big and too loose ill-fitting monstrosities American men have been wearing for decades.

I kind of agree with you. I made a bunch of people here explain mansplaining to me a while ago, and after I listened to them, my opinion is that it's mansplaining if you're a man condescendingly telling a woman how to feel about the things she experiences as a woman. (Like, "You probably didn't realize this but being

"maybe she just picked up the phone after an awful bout of morning sickness (not that I'd risk offending her by asking)."

Though I guess there is nothing wrong with offending her by speculating then printing said speculation?

Mansplaining is not a man being stupid. It's a man being stupid toward a woman in a very specific way. As in this case explaining how her behavior is because she is pregnant because pregnancy makes bitches be crazy. That's very different than him just saying something stupid to a male interview subject or saying

This interview was at least 50% successful because it made me like Mila Kunis more and Stephen Whitty a lot less.

Could it be that Stephen Whitty is just a terrible writer, terrible journalist, terrible with people? That's what I took away from the article. Dude, just get a job at a bank or something.

Right? I would totes read THAT interview!

Mila could have been a little bit more tactful with the interviewer, despite his stupid and lazy questions. BUT, the interviewer really was a jerk by writing a description of how horrible the interview was and placing the blame on her pregnancy. it didn't go well, and he tried to embarrass her through his piece.

You can see him desperately grasping at straws to preserve his fragile little ego. It's sad, but also funny.

Not directly about Kunis but...I know that people like to think Avril Lavigne is an obnoxious joke but I always read her public image as very gendered. She was not the sweet as pie always a smile on her lips type like Britney Spears. She has a big ego, is demanding and was a typical teenager and got branded with a

Given his leap to "she must have the preggo grump-grumps!" I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt that he was the asshole, not the other way around.

Part of having intelligence is not having to accept dumb questions again and again, and pointing that out to a lazy, sexist, journalist.