
PLEASE don't get me started on people who "register" for honeymoon funds. I plan to give cash anyway, but please don't put it out there that you would really love my $ to specifcally go towards a snorkel excursion or champagne and rose petal bubblebath. NOPE.

That's not what it boils down to, but that's what you're determined to see it as, apparently. Interacting tactfully with people you don't know well, but that you do know are very close to a loved one, is not the same thing as telling the groom — presumably your best friend in the party — to get over himself because

Pretty much all the bachelor parties I've been to have been a close variation on this; rent a lake house / beach house / ski house, and drink whiskey, smoke cigars/weed, grill, maybe go on an excursion like whitewater rafting.

Urgh, I feel like a huge asshole because we DID elope, but we both want a church wedding...unfortunately in Eastern Europe, where my husband grew up. Destination wedding, but it would be that for one of our sides whether it is in the States or in Europe. We're going to send out invitations because it might give some

Thing is, the showers and destination bachelorette weekends and whatnot are most likely coming from another bridesmaid, not the bride. So instead of saying to your good friend from college, "Jen, you know I love you but I can't do Vegas on top of the wedding" it becomes a weird thing where her very best friend from

Next step: synthetic wombs. Then we can overthrow the female race FOREVER!!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHH.

"A groomsman doesn't have to purchase gifts for numerous showers"

You're freaking me out, man.

Not gonna lie, every time I see how much it costs for Mrs. Apogee to be someone's bridesmaid, all I can think of is, "if it's that fucking important, then the bride and groom can pay for that shit."

In the U.S., the bride typically does not pay for anything. The Wedding Industrial Complex is quite the racket. It's why I'm eloping.

That's asking too much of some people.

Or at least be interesting instead of trotting out the same old "feminist killjoy" tropes. Today I read a story in a comment on Gawker about how the KFC family is bad because they asked for help or accepted help and no one helped her (even though her daughter gave her a car) and how her son put her lover in the

Now playing

One of my fave scenes...

"Sorry, Miss."

Fun Fact: The track being played is "From Rusholme With Love" by Mint Royale.

Stealing ^^^ that ^^^gif

SPACED, the sitcom Pegg & Frost did in 2000 before Shaun.

It's... brilliant. Get the DVD's. There's a subtitle track that lists all the pop culture references.

It's invaluable. n_n