
Silly, cupcake. I asked you a QUESTION, weeak, flaccid little boy. Do you understand what questions are? Do you know how to respond to them? Think real hard now! There will be test on this later.

Lying, definitely. No idea where you got this "patriarchy-supporting disappointment" thing from - except from the imaginary "fake feminists" that exist only in your teeny, tiny brain. Because, no one said anything like that. They in fact repeatedly said otherwise. So, you get an F for that particularly flaccid and

And of course YOU decide which is which, right cupcake? That's adorable.

Are you actually this stupid, or is this just really incompetent, flaccid, weak trolling?

Yet another fucking lie, creepy pedo.

Fifth grade, max. He's a creepy troll.

Very silly, since it's not even remotely true. No one has ever said that people shouldn't be careful. What we have said - fifty billion times now - is that the punishment for getting that drunk shouldn't be rape, and being blamed for it.

omg, creepy pedo, learn what words mean before you try to use them.


LOL *facepalm* Perhaps there's a little bit of thinking you should try before commenting. Think real hard: what is the difference between those two things?

Except, that's a pretty blatant lie. Feminists say that when one is so drunk they are unable to remain conscious, then they can't consent. Or so drunk they can't stand up straight. Basically, any point at which it would be invalid to sign contracts because you're so fucked up is the point where they can't give

Translation: I just came here to whine about feminists. indulge me!!

Nice try, but it's more like "I'm obviously lying!" - Woman. "We Know" - everyone else.

What I learned from this is there are a lot of really, really dumb privileged white girls who have no idea what feminism is, but really, really, want pats on the head from men. It's kind of amusing, how they make feminism more necessary, while incompetently lying about it.

Awww, everyone! Look at the bigot! he wants attention! LOOK AT HIM! he needs validiation and human contact, no matter how negative or brief! LOOK AT HIM!

I'm kinda getting the feeling that this was a paid transaction, if ya follow me. Given the time, location, etc. doesn't seem like this was anything but a hire.

Define it. Then, we'll see.

Sure, if there are no women involved who want to get off.

Sure, if you completely ignore the multiple times she says it won't be sexual. But hey, whatever helps you blame her for his skeezyness.

You can do anything you put your mind to, bklngrl!