
Yes, but are your parents white? (just a rhetorical joke - my childhood was the same. My parents were pissed if you weren't outside playing)

I may never stop vomiting.

Exactly. Would we have this "women were created for men" crap if not for religion? There is a sexist/misogynistic contingent of atheists/secularists, but what cultures are they raised in? OH YEAH!

Ewww robocopper is a pedo!

LOl aren't you an adorable little lying bigot troll! *pats head*

And of course YOU get to decide what a real question is. Because you're a big boy, aren't you, cupcake! *pinches cheek*

He's definitely making the right move. Disengage from this woman ASAP. Dragging her into court, for what will amount to nothing as she likely has nothing, would only prolong contact with her. She needs help, not more attention from him. Run away, dude! Run fast!

The mras got finally got an example of a false rape claim and, dagnabit, they're going to use it to shit on every actual victim even more.

People always believe the accusers, huh. What planet are you on?

Just say it, mutterhals: I hate gurlz because they scare me.

Isn't that why people ask questions, diddums?

Ooh aren't you an adorable little troll! Who's a big boy using the computer all by himself!

Aww, c'mon. School is out for the summer, mummy's at work and he has no friends! He has to interact with women in some way and this is the only way to get attention!

Unlike all those wholesome, aww shucks defense attorneys who are just in it to help the people! amirite, yo!

So, is this the time when we can use the arguments of HL supporters back at them? IF SHE DOESN'T LIKE IT SHE CAN GET A JOB SOMEWHERE ELSE!

LOL zing!

Actually, cupcake, it was a question. Are you tragically and painfully clueless, or is this some sort of lame game?

I'm going to have to poll my male friends - or rather, have Mr. Not Tallis do it so maybe they'll be honest about it - about what the fuck dudes think is going to happen after doing this.

Or, they watch way to much porn and mistake the "acting" therein to be how women actually are.

Thank you. The very last message I got on OKC before I gave up and deleted my profile said "your kute" NOPE!