
Run that up the flagpole and I will salute it. make it happen!

Just copy Anne Coulter. That's exactly what she is and what she does. Notice how nothing she preaches ends up in her actual life? She knows exactly how to play conservatives for their money.

*facepalm* yeah... painful naiveté is totally a valid position to be "considered"! I mean, expecting people to KNOW THINGS is so, so, elitist! I mean, as far as desperately flailing around after completely failing goes, you get a 10.

Those 'loaded' doritos are the single most disgusting snack food I've had the misfortune to witness since moving to the States. They have them in my local 7-11 and, one more than one occasion, I've walked by people puking into the garbage can after eating them.

I asked because what you said is painfully naïve, and it seemed impossible for that to be serious, so I assumed trolling. now that I know that you are just painfully naïve and far too testerical, emotional and irrational to handle even a single question, I'll just smile, nod and back away slowly. Please, get back

Ugh. dudes who pretend they give a crap about their kids after making it very and continuously clear that they don't care are the worst. I see this a lot in custody battles. Absentee and/or deadbeat dads suddenly "care" about their children once they realize that, without access to the kid, they can't fuck with

Are you actually this naïve or are you trolling?

Sure, just ignore half of the article. No one's going to notice that, at all.

And having him surrender parental rights immediately.

Dude, you are SO in the wrong place if you think you can pass off this paragraph of blatant lies as truth.

It's very MGTOWish. They're totally leaving! Just watch them go! Are you watching? They're leaving! Any minute now they're leaving! Wait, where are you going?

Translation: WAAAAAAAAAHHHH a GURL handed my ass to me. that's unpossible. WAAAAAAAHHHHH

Hi, sockpuppet!

You silly little boys very urgently need to stop pretending that the internet doesn't affect the real world. Grow up diddums, and stop wasting everyone's time whining about what they shouldn't talk about.

Well, thank goodness we let someone with a history of violence learn even more effective ways of being violent!

Agreed, but I think we're talking about an older social stereotype. Like, the "Princeton mom" who advised women to ask their "maiden aunts" if not being married was a mistake. Who the fuck even says "maiden aunt" anymore, and why in the world would this aunt not being married mean she was also a virgin? For us, it

I think the bigger point is, is anyone going to try to force it to happen now that it's a marital "duty"

Social pressure. Women are past their "sell by" date if they aren't married and pushing out puppies by 25.

OH ffs. Here I was thinking this was going to be a show about helping actual copies in this situation (be it because of religious or cultural norms), and instead it's a fucking reality game show. Fuck those "experts". seriously.

Speaking of gaping Buffy plot holes, did it bother anyone else that the Watcher's Council was so bloody goddamn useless? If you're this supposedly all-powerful, millennia old shadow organization, tasked with this immensely important job of training slayers, and hoarding important information, why the FUCK did Buffy