
Agreed. The reason this child is going to be born is because she arranged for it therefore it's not remotely okay. I don't know what the law says in this respect, but in my eyes, she's a horrible person.

I figured as much. 0/10 for the trolling.

being Alan Thicke's son?

his record company

yeah.... that was bad phrasing on my part. You are def correct re" parents. People seem to be shitting bricks that Shephard, that good old Christian that she is, is abandoning this child. Of which, I am one. I was just trying to figure out if Moses (someone I haven't encountered before) is pointing out the

No one, except my Gram, wants to see my handwritten notes. My mum likes to say I have the hand writing of a serial killer. If you want to be able to actually read what I send you, don't make me write it. Hell -I- can't even read it sometimes.

... are you being serious right now, or am I not getting the joke?

I didn't think my opinion of her could get lower, but there you have it! What a disgusting POS. All of the "adults" in this situation.

people who aren't biologically tied to the child? or the actual parents?

Truth. The 'earth might be flat' thing wasn't a big enough red flag?

.... is there a difference that's worth delineating?

Old, or just not teenager-dumb anymore? I mean, I liked and did a lot of shit back then that I'm mortified about now.

"I apologize for anything negative that I've said towards gays and for that matter, anyone. I was young, ignorant, stupid, and in a bad place" Probably should have kept it off the internet then, since this is how you're going to be remembered forever (which is like, two weeks, tops, in internet time)

I thought EVERYONE knew that.

YES! fondant is gross.

LOL you don't even know what the word means, do you.

I was totally going to say my mom's house. Jinx!

LOL at the conservative getting sanctimonious about being called sanctimonious.

Right? The bar is THAT low for catholics now? Hey, he apologized for all the child rape! (but nothing else) He's definitely a paragon of moral virtue we should listen to!

No. Not cool. And not funny.