
YES!!! exactly. That's the part that's making me especially face-punchy. Yes, forgiveness is good for some people, especially when dealing with trauma. But in this situation, said in those words, it almost sounds like exortion. You've got a nice soul there, would be a shame if it burned in hell forever because

How do you know? Because you really, really want that to be true? It's irrelevant anyway, since by apologizing, he's taking on the responsibility.

You're a troll because you keep trying to move the conversation from the horrors the church commits to shaming individuals who aren't part of it for speaking up about it.

babbling nonsense couched in self-righteousness. Asking an individual person whether or not THEY have anything to apologize for when the topic of conversation is the centuries-long rape of children by the RCC is not just a dick move, but an incredibly douchey dodge on top of it. Individual "sins" are irrelevant

How the fuck is this a sane response to this issue?

yes, Mr. Pope, "I'm so sorry we raped you for decades, did nothing to stop it but everything to facilitate it" is TOTALLY going to make everything better. The collection plates must be getting to thin to continue to ignore it.

Awww, let's all commiserate for the poor, oppressed bigot..... okay that's enough. HAHA!!!

Oh, I think we ALL know the answer to that one.

How often is it not even their dick though? To me, in the era of "sexting" and ruining people's lives over it, it seems like a dangerous scam. He sends you a pic of a porn performer's dick in the hopes that you'll send back real nudes of your own, so they can hurt you with it. Maybe that's too cynical?

... that is fucking *fascinating* A self-justifying misogyny and self-loathing? I had honestly never considered that.

props to you for handling it so well. And, by the way, Welcome to Our World! There's a gift basket of mace on its way to your doorstep!

yeah but I heard squirrels are really high in cholesterol

LOL #themoreyourknow

What if I told you everyone is now pointing at laughing at your coddled, clueless little self?

I guess so but still..... ewww...

Ooh! Ladies? Anyone want a bunny-puncher? he's single now!

he was a friend of a friend of a friend in college. So, no, def not someone I knew well. (not that I would give someone I knew my blood anyways) And, not trying to be judgy. The only reason I mentioned it was because that was apparently his way of asking me out, which naturally I did not figure out at the time.

Of course he was, women are "scenery"

The most surprising part of this for me is . . . people still listen to radio djs? In 2014? /snark.

Porn poisoning, I swear to cthulhu. They have to think "she'll see this and totally want to fuck! just like on redtube!"