

I once had a "wizard" (as in neo-pagan, apparently) ask me for some of my menstrual blood so he could do a spell. Now I wonder if it was the same guy. My only regret: not asking what kind of "spell" needs menstrual blood. ....ewww....

"As they say in Teen Witch: Top that."

And yet, here you are still begging for my attention. You may bein 8th grade for all I know, given you complete lack of ability to make a coherent point, so I used small, simple words you would likely understand.

Translation: gurls are all exactly the same. I'm just speaking as a dude.

It certainly explains why they can never, ever handle actual statistics or research of information. They make everything up, so OBVS everyone else does too!

that's MISANDRY!


Anyone else's ladyboner shrivel up and die when they see this skeezy douchecanoe?

Actually, Kate, it's because you're a milquetoast nondescript white lady that makes crappy movies and is easily interchangeable with others. So, it's not that we're sick of you, exactly, it's that we just don't care.

yes, it's so unfair that dudes who doxx, harass and threaten women for existing are demonized! here's the problem with you ridiculous, asnine strawfeminist: it's blatantly false. Feminists do actually listen and care and help were possible - to actual issues facing men. But where and when do mras ever actually

LOL uh huh. And you believe that because you're a sexist ass who just got mocked, but can't think of a good come back. It's okay. You'll be a real boy someday.


Easier than having a job, I guess.

Can't wait for the clips of him asking men this same question. C'mon turdburger, cough em up.

Translation: Yeezlousie has no point, just here to troll.

translation: I'm DESPERATE FOR FEMALE ATTENTION. Even negative attention. Anything! JUST PLEASE TALK TO ME GIRLS!

LOL no, cupcake. you're a troll because you flamebait, then tone troll, and because every single thing you've said is bullshit. I understand that, being the dumbass bigot that you are, you think that is "reasonable", but I'd advise against you using words you clearly don't understand. K, sugarbum?

Cupcake, if anything you wrote wasn't brainless drivel and actually deserved a proper response, you'd get it. Instead, all you're going to get is mocking. So, eat it up with a smile, sweetcheeks.

Except that they covered them without any issue before ACA.