

No, you wouldn't because you have absolutely no idea what it's like. Men have very little to worry about under this ruling, which specifically exempted medical treatments that men use, that are also objected to by religion. Nice try, but please stop being such a useless, whining little shit head.

But only for women. Try thinking for a few minutes.

You're a moron. Don't breed.

Grow up, stop whining, and post something that isn't hilariously stupid bullshit and you might deserve better treatment. Might.

LOL you are such a fucking dumbass. Please don't breed.

And stupid shit like this is why you're being called out. Yes, cupcake, if the only reason my right to use my insurance as I need is being taken away is because I have a uterus, but nothing is being taken away from men, not even the frivolous, useless shit like penis pumps, then yes that's taking rights away. Try

LOL look cupcake this "I'm such a nice guy just trying to have a conversation" game is transparent. If you say stupid shit, people are going to call out your stupid shit. You're not a special little snowflake who can never be disagreed with. When everyone thinks you're an asshole, it's because you are an asshole,

Why do incredibly stupid bigots like yourself not understand how insurance works?

Translation: I flamebaited and got flamed, but I have a penis so that means I should never be flamed! WAAAAH!

The "I have a female mom!" bullshit doesn't magically make you not a bigot, you ridiculous bigot.

Get back on your meds.

LOL Greg, get a job. A real one that doesn't involve lying, because you are truly terrible at it.

LOL take your flaccid, weak tone trolling and jump off a bridge.

Because they're not getting it.

Exactly my point. Whether he knew or not, he's just wrong. All around wrong.

Translation: No one is fooled by my flaccid attempts to hide my bigotry! waaaaah!

As you wish!

You keep trying to convince us you have friends, but c'mon little boy, if you did, you'd have better things to do than the desperately beg for attention on the internet. Your "friends" clearly didn't have significant amounts of weight to lose. I'm not talking about 50 lbs.

*facepalm* Silly, incredibly stupid little boy, one doesn't have to visit the websites to know anything about it. When you lose large amounts of weight, assuming you do it in a safe and healthy way, you will be warned about such things as thinspiration because people who lose large amounts of weight tend to become