
I was thinking more about the susceptibility to memes involving woo and/or pseudo-science. Religion being the one of the most powerful and enduring memes, I'm just wondering aloud if that would correlate to being more susceptible to accepting more of them. Because, frankly, virtually every religious person I

That is entirely possible, even likely. Haters always complain the most loudly.

Idiot is ableist, so if you want to avoid having that conversation everyday for the rest of your life, go with condesplain.

.... why couldn't they do both?

Irregardless, people use it cromunlently.

It makes you wonder what the correlation between religious belief and astrology is. Well, it makes ME wonder. Because if you believe in one silly thing, why not the rest? Do astrology-believers believe in leprechauns too? How about Bigfoot?

Do you reeeeallly need "proof" that prejudice hampers interpersonal relationships?

No Thru Traffic.

My last fortune cookie said "You will be hungry again in one hour" And I was! This conclusively proves that fortune cookies predict the future!

All I'm saying is, he's a passive aggressive whiner. Yeah, she wasn't sweet as pie, pliant and docile. Clearly, he wanted to stick it to her, just not to her face. it's cowardly. And def not going to help him if he ever has to interview her again.

A good point. I'm not a millionare, so I kinda have to be nice to the morons I represent. (I mean fucking seriously, who gets themselves deliberately arrested the night before depositions? and then whines about how long their case is taking) AUDRASMASH. Apparently, she can afford to be.

Agreed on the that's her job part. But, I have some personal experience with being asked the same questions over and over and over again at work (everyone hates lawyers til they need one, then they never leave us alone), and I gotta say I empathize with her. It is goddamn painfully, face-smashingly, gobsmacking

I'll get the Cheetos, you get the chainsaw.

It's not a goddamn generalization. It's descriptive of a very specific circumstance between some men and a whole lot of women. Stop trying to jam your foot in the glass slipper if it don't fit.

the term is more specific than "man says something stupid". It's not even about men being stupid, just oblivious and clueless in a specific circumstance. I.e. talking to or about women as if he's an expert on something that he either a) has no experience with or b) she knows much better than he does. But, he

me too. I've had a long term crush on her.

None. It's pretty clear he was phoning it in and she got sick of it.

Hipsters are EVERYWHERE. *cue doom music*

lol right? cuz THAT's definitely not going to piss her off.

Well, YEAH, I mean who else would know how to clean up frequent hall poopage better?