
That was seriously one of the best posts ever! If I knew how to post .gifs, you'd be getting several standing ovation ones.

Maybe I should have sent a $1 with a bow on it. (without a +1, of course)

It's was only because I really like that particular cousin and her now-husband. Had it been a different cousin, my willpower would have died a quick death.

I'm pretty sure they've acquire that sometime around pre-school ;)

Apologies if I made it sound otherwise. I wasn't intending to, but I'm clumsy like that. You're absolutely right. I'm beginning to think maybe they want to fail.

Both Levine and Lohan look like if you touched them, you're hands would be sticky with some unknown, but fowl smelling substance. ..... ew....

True that. And a little pathetic & desperate.

Definitely. Passive voice is cowardice. Just own your shit.

LOL zing!

Lol I know, seriously. That's literally the only card Silvio the Bigot has to play. The same article and the same lie over and over and over and over and over again.

Silvio is a bigot troll. Ignore. & dismiss.

Could care less about Willis, but hearing that Tucker dislikes it hurts! Ruby is the best damn thing about that movie.

Right on. I love Mr. NotTallis, but if I had to spend every single moment of every single day with him, we wouldn't be together. I need my solitude. As I said before, I think it's the constant pressure to do everything together at all times that breaks up couples.

And Bingo was his name-o

Got that, everyone? Saying dumb offensive bullshit is "truth". All hail our Lord of All Knowledge! lol

If there were a god, you'd be doing her work. This is A+ parenting (if that means anything coming from a child-free person).

That explains everything. Thank you.


I did too. We should both go to our rooms and make fun of evejay's sexist nonsense some more.

No, you went from zero to cucumber. Absolutely no one cares about your goofy bitches-are-gonna-end-the-world randomness. This post is about a funny video. Try to stop clutching your pearls so hard. You're going to crumble them into dust.