
Ewwwww, who let the anti-feminist in?

OMG, I'm going to take that .gif home and love it and pet it and name it George.


Exactly! It's the shatter-shot approach I just don't understand. I mean, if you actually want to be successful, why not interact with the people who want the same thing? And WTF is it with dudes asking for naked pics? Isn't the internet full of that shit already? For free?

Two things:

LOL seriously. It's like "oh, so sorry you can't come, but your money can still come, right?" NOPE!

hells yes. if Mr. NotTallis and I ever lose our minds and decide to get married. We are so doing it in Vegas. On a whim.

Even more galling are the people who put little cards in their invitations saying that if you can't go to the wedding, would you mind making a donation for the designation wedding? One of my cousins did this and it took all of my willpower to not photocopy my ass and send it back to her with a declination.

This is sort of missing the point. It is, ultimately, peer pressure, but it's also damn near compulsory. To be clear - I'm totally with you. I do say no (repeatedly). But, then, I'm an obnoxious ass who has no problem with confrontation and has low tolerance for emotional blackmail. That said, I've watched my

So hear you. I've started turning friends down who ask. Because, I've got this bug up my ass about this "unmarried/non-breeding people deserve nothing!" shit. See - I'm more than willing to participate. Buy the gown, pay for gifts, chip in for the limo, etc. etc. But, it's absolutely NEVER reciprocated. I'm

I've seen every ep of Spaced (it began my endless crush on Nick Frost). The Rave episode and the Dog Killer ep are t.v. perfection. That's why I asked because I KNEW I'd seen that before.

PERFECTO! Keep this on hand because OMG the crotchetiness!

The funny thing is, I'm only quoting back at them the shit they always say to women. But suddenly, it's not okay to say those things. Hmmmmmmm. I wonder why.

I love you too, diddums! no idea who you are and don't remotely care, but love you! *kisses*

True. Which is fine, but maybe limit it to people who are clear about wanting NSA sex. Instead of just messaging everyone with boobs.

yes, but are you getting laid?

So, what you're telling us is, you frequently send unsolicitied dick pics?

Which orifice did you pull that out of?

YOu know, for all the insufferable tone-trolling you do, it's pretty amusing to see you now victim-blame.

Is that a fact? I thought it referred to having been spanked. Like, by a parent. For being a douche.