
lame trolling. 0/10.

So, in other words, Tyler is a horrible bigot and needs to believe every one else is too, so he can go on pretending not to be a horrible bigot.

So did I. Do these parents even think about what their sprogs are going to do in a professional setting? Would you take a lawyer or a lawyer named Wintress seriously?

I think I love you.

Aside from the staggering amounts of sad and creepy, all my brain can handle is . . . that hair! WTF is going on with that hair?

The BRO! you mean. ;)

My 20+ years long crush is crushed! Gary, no!

*headdesk* We're not talking about teeny weenies, cupcake. Stop changing the subject to try to make your idiotic point sound less idiotic.

I didn't assume you're a man, so I have no idea what that's about. And my condescending tone is appropriate for such silly and pedantic whining. You keep trying to change the conversation away from breasts and to sexual organs, so my argument isn't falling apart, you just can't defend yours.

*headesk* Clearly, you don't get it, but you keep on being so much better at feminism then everyone. You go!

Okay, let's try this again: Why is it important to fight sexist double-standards like this?

*headdesk* Let's try this again: why is it important to fight sexist double standards?

Congrats! You've stumbled halfway to the point! And why is sexualization of women, but not men a problem. C'mon, you can do it!

Incorrect. The double-standard here is part of the larger problem. Wars are won one battler a time.

Idiotic drivel. Is this really the best you can do? Are you 14 years old?

LOL nice try, but lame dodge, dude. Don't be such a crybaby, just admit you have no real argument.

So, your real arugment is "men like boobies and can't be expected to behave like adults in public, so cover up, girls!" What is this, Saudi Arabia?

What's the difference? Other than the ability to feed infants (and then only sometimes) what's the difference? C"mon now, just admit you like to jerk off to one but not the other and for some reasons that means it should be covered up.

So, in stead of admitting you were wrong, you decided to move the goalpost and talk about something else. Great.

Only women have fully-formed breasts, huh. Then what's with all the dudes with tits bigger than mine bouncing around in public?