
Weeeelll, yes and no. It does seem a little low-importance in the grand scheme, but the fact that it's only "indecent" and illegal when women go topless, despite the vast number of men who have tits bigger than even mine (which are not small), is a symptom of the grander scheme.

Well, only one shade of "white" apparently. That would be way to light on me.

"Calm your tits"? For asking a question? My how sensitive and fragile we are!

A good point. It's clearly both!

Remember why no woman will speak to you unless you troll a feminist blog?

LOL oh okay, you are just incredibly stupid. Got it.

No, cupcake, you're just a moron who's getting his ass handed to him over and over again.


Are you actually this stupid or are you trolling?

Cut the bullshit false equivalence. She didn't do anything wrong. Unless you're the guy on the bike you don't get to decide what his experience was.

No, not all. I always liked it when people had something nice to say. Because the haters were waaaaaay more frequent.

Hi! I'm someone who's lost a lot of weight. Well over 100 pounds. People like you who did stuff like that always brightened my day, because I got way more snotty comments and dirty looks then positive reinforcement. So, to hell with the self-righteous haters. Not saying all people feel the same way, but I always

Seriously. Every time I see her pic, all I remember of her is how she used to pick her nose for the camera on that stupid dating game show on MTV way back in the day. It's impossible to take her seriously.

I want to do ALL your taxes.

FWIW, I'd be right behind you kicking them in the shins.

I've lost a huge amount of weight too, so I kinda get being defensive about it, because some people turn in to serious assholes when you've been successful where they haven't (assuming, of course, that they want to lose weight). (I.e. you learn pretty fucking quick who your "real" friends are.)

Better than being a whiny ass bigot

Apparently, just long enough for a bunch of testerical crybabies to freak out over the reality of dress codes and sexism.

LOL my goodness, kids. Take your meds.

Except for that fact that the standards for women require excessive extra amounts of money, but sure.