
Given your victim-blaming elsewhere, it's not possible to trust that you're "just asking questions". on the off chance that is true,

You know, I'm starting to think you're right. Given Malone's direct dive into victim-blaming and side-swiping rape denial, it's entirely possible that they're pretending to not understand. Reminds me of that Mythcommunications piece.

Uh, no. The decades spent on this planet teach us that with or without Jez.

Don't bother. Butthurt doodz gotta butthurt.

Why don't you just say what you actually want to say: "how did that bitch cause her own rape three times?"

Wow, you're completely and utterly clueless. Or are you lying? It's impossible to tell with victim-blamers.

No, diddums, the only point being proven here is that you're a victim-blamer.

The reason is this called victim-blaming is that you're not telling dudes to not drink so much they can't discern consent. Another reason this is called victim blaming is that clothes don't cause rape, rapists do. Women who were burkas are raped. So your "advice" is worthless. Another reason this is called victim

yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't actually care about the pointless semantics about "black out drunk". So, moving along:

Fine, for the sake of drilling to the bedrock of your question, let's pretend that's true. Are contracts valid when agreed to while impaired? If someone robs you blind when you're that impaired is it somehow not robbery? My point being, taking advantage of someone in that state isn't innocuous and isn't somehow

*shudder* for whatever reason, I find the dudes who don't recognize what they're doing is rape as far scarier than those that do. Can't put my finger on why, but there it is.

All the power to you! Def don't listen to strangers on the internet. It just pushes mypersonal rage button when I hear stories like this. If he treats you well otherwise, then it's entirely possible SlutPanic is right - that he'll come around. I sincerely hope so.

..... how can someone who is black out drunk consent to anything? They're passed the fuck out?.

It definitely sounds like he was interrogating you to determine how (or how much of it) was your fault. DTMF

"i must have done something wrong."

Not sure what you're on about. But, I'll repeat myself: We don't live in a warzone. We don't want to live in a warzone. More guns is the dumbest possible response to this problem. It's like saying "eh, that wildfire isn't big enough yet. Dump truckloads of gasoline on that fucker!" it makes no goddamn sense

IOW, no one said it, and you're just derailing. Got it.

Who said "all men are misogynistic"? Please show us.

Who said "all men are misogynistic"? Please show us.

Just crawled out from under a rock, eh "1 murderer and a guy on the internet" is not even slightly accurate or honest.