
In other words, in order to pretend that this is magical, mystical misandry, you lie about what everyone can plainly see. You're not very good at this, huh

While I loathe the entitled, dishonest jackasses who do this, I'm not okay with the unconsented-to photographing. Not cool.

*GASP* They're all taking up only ONE seat each! OMG! If only men could learn this simple act!

Dear whiny ass titty baby with overly sensitive balls: Stop fucking whining. Other people exist on earth. Oh well. Shut up, close your legs and make room for other people. Despite what your mommy told you, you are not in after price of the universe.

Word. I hate when anyone puts their gigantic backpack on a seat. Hold it.

Someone call the WAAAAAAAHmbulance. Dude's got a butthurt!

WHy don't you stand? Since your balls are so sensitive to treating other people with respect.

old school ClickClacks = awesome.

Men are so whiny and entitled all the time ....

Are you serious this fucking stupid? Its not about you sitting with your legs spread. it's about you sitting with your legs spread so wide you're taking up more than your fair share of space and likely making other people use less. Grow the fuck up.

Then close your legs, stop whining about your balls and make room for other people


Holy shit. My fault for thinking you were discussing in good faith. You're just a goddamn troll. My bad!

*facepalm* You know what else is some tired shit? people who didn't read the fucking source material lecturing those that did about what it contains. Read the fucking thing. Entitlement is oozing out of this shithead's every word. Does that mean everyone who doesn't get what they desire is "entitled"? No. But

LOL Good lord the "Gotta Make Excuses for Male Supremacists" is strong with this one.

Who the hell said that? He can desire whatever he likes. Doesn't mean he's entitled to it, which he clearly thinks he is and she isn't. It's the whiny entitlement and blatant misogyny that's the issue.

Live without what, exactly? What is this whiny dipshit being denied? Other than all the "hot" tail he thinks he's entitled to, but obviously can't get?

Lol keep trying, diddums. Keep desperately searching for a way to sound like a big boy. Maybe if you keep flailing around, you might actually manage to troll properly.

Awww, and now you're too stupid to know when you've been owned. Diddums, you might want to read what I said again, or maybe look up the definition of "butthurt", since you appear to be so confused.

Jealous, much? You're too clingy, diddums. Too desperate for attention. I'm not going to date you, so please stop begging.