
Wanna try that again in English?

Translation: Waaaaaahhhh caekislove is desperate for female attention.

Translation: WAAAAAHHHH caekislove has no friends.

Translation: WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH caekislove can't get a date. WAAAHHHHHHH

Translation: WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH again.


maybe read the story first?

LOL whut? Do you not see the part where it says "found responsible by the University"? Even the shitastic rapists-get-away-free campus system found him "guilty". The fact that he suffered no punishment for it is what's galling here, not the that poor, poor rapist lost his job. But you're desire to pretend it's a

You mean the part where it say he was found responsible? Reading might help.

Poor thing, you're confused. It's guilty until proven innocent when you're a rape victim. As we've seen time and time again. Rapists virtually never "pay" for their crime. He's already been found "guilty", technically, and was not punished for it. He got to skate on through, keep his perks and suffered nothing.

Is it a matter of recidivism? Are sexual-assaulters/abusers/rapists/etc. more likely to commit the crime again, hence registering them?

If only his victim had the same opportunity to sue his rapist ass off.

"Now don't get me wrong, before all you health nuts have a crack at me for promoting obesity. I've heard your arguments when I posted my non-traditional before and after photo: I AM a health advocate. I run, I lift weights, I eat healthily but I also have a cookie with my soy latte and knock back the odd burger or

LOL wow, you're an incredibly stupid bigot. Not a surprise, but still very funny.

All she did was not get plastic surgery. No one cares if your teeny weeny isn't pleased. FOAD

Your bigoted fantasies have nothing to do with the topic. Go wank in private, please.

So getting plastic surgery is now "objectively healthy", asswipe?

And by "got it" you mean "don't got shit, except some bigotry issues". Got it.

Oh, right video "evidence" that you haven't seen and that doesn't actually exist magically proves the bitch is lying!

LOL your naiveté is adorable. Pointless, worthless and irrelevant, but adorable.