
Can someone explain the "easier for this guy" bit? Who is he? What's the joke?

My inner 12-year-old cannot stop giggling. *heehee*

"There is nothing like watching a new girl getting a huge cock viciously rammed down her throat"

If you've got Netflix, check out "Dreams of a Life". It's a study of an English woman's life who, just like this woman, died and was dead several years before anyone noticed. it's eerie, heartbreaking and fucking fascinating. (I hope Netflix still has it!)

Excellent way to protest some truly egregious bullshit. Much respect to those athletes!

Okay, all of these mad me laugh but this one is perfection. Gold star!

Whether she's an MRA or not, she's a complete fucking moron.

You are my hero for that Picard gif. Stealing!

These are perfection. You win today!

This is why we can't have heroes. Was he always this much of a despicably dishonest ass and we just didn't notice.

*facepalm* About as sick as I am of whiny, self-obsessed theists who are so very eager to be offended that they forget how to read. Did I say "all" christians? NOPE! This piece is about conservative christians. And, that is who I'm mocking.

Y-y-you mean .... government actually WORKS sometimes?

From what I saw, it was basically: The only moral abortion is MY abortion, because I NEED it and it might RUIN my LIFE! And Jesus says its okay because I prayed and he came to me in a dream and said "go ahead, you're special and not like those dirty sluts at all!"

Cookies are for sluts! You'll get your communion wafer and like it!

"Through the vehicle of scouting, girls are taught leadership and life skills that will enable them ..."

Yes! "That one didn't count" and then "so it's okay if I do it, but you're an EVIL SLUT if you do!"

I can personally attest that this is exactly what I saw when I did my clinic tour of duty. The people who protested out front, snuck their daughters in the back door.

LOL Touched a nerve I see. Good to know I was totally right about you big scary internet macho man!!

looks exactly like my kitty!!

Build a really big fence!!