
Translation: yeah, I'm a racist.

He wins a prize for utterly sucking at life in everyway.

yes, how silly to assume that, on an article about how women don't have the right to not have creepy pigs stick cameras in their crotch, someone who says "I thought I had a reasonable expectation of privacy under my clothes. Silly me." is also female.

Yeah, it's obvious bullshit when they say "it's not about bossing the woman around!" Because, funny how it never plays out in real life as ANYTHING BUT. It's crap, as usual, from religion.

"The fact is that God made us to submit to our husbands, whether we're housewives or the big bosses at work."

You're a GIRL! Rights are for BOYS!

Seriously. The only one he made a fool of is himself.

You win all the internetz today.

Squats. That's the best God could be bothered to come up with for us, apparently.

I'm fascinated how "it's fiction" in anyway changes the reality of the rapeyness.

My favorite movie ever. This Gif, and You and my new heroes.

Is it me or is every woman with dyed blond hair on GOT look so much better with darker hair?

I'm surprised that people who've had contact with MRAs before aren't aware of their sites. Like, Register-Her .

LOL wow. Look again at who my first comment is replying to. Then think real hard about whether you are that person or not.

yes, yes we are a stupid, stupid nation. Much more stupid the virtually all of the other "first world" countries. And we're proud of how stupid we are.

58 is old now? Hell no.

You mean, you avoided other comments on this site with links just so you could pretend they don't exist! What a surprise! Plus, lazy silly little diddums, google exists! And it's free to use! Try it sometime!

*facepalm* try reading more slowly. Perhaps you can figure out who I wasn't talking to.

LOL well, they'd have to stop endlessly whining about imaginary offenses before they could respond. So you might be waiting a while. Or, you know, FOREVER.

Apparently, you've never visited the internet before. Several sites like that exist. But when women do it, suddenly NOW it's wrong. Whiny hypocrites.