
OH, no. That's okay, you see, because bitches ain't shit and desperately need the "compliments".

ugh, I missed the part about her offering to buy the dog back and them refusing. You're right. They are assholes.

There is nothing wrong with what you said, imo. And comments like yours illustrate the huge difference between "be safe" and victim-blaming. Yes, ALL people should take care how much they drink in public or around others, so as not to increase risk. All people. It's when assholes turn it into "women should never

They paid $300 for the dog. legitimately, as far as they are concerned. While they should give the dog back, they should be hounding the shit out of that rescue for their money back.

Don't try to talk sense to all these "WOMEN SHOULD NEVER DRINK OR THEY WILL BE RAPED BECAUSE ALL MEN ARE RAPE BEASTS" morons. They don't do critical thinking, at all. They just want to be finger-waging moral scolds who do FUCK ALL to combat rape culture, but just like to lecture women. I assume its to pretend

Oh no. It's painfully, tediously unfunny. Not even Willow could save it.

SO needed this today. Thank you.

Just ask Mel Gibson!

You know what makes it totally awesome, though? Whiny ass comments about how superior the commenter is to the entire Jezebel staff. That's totally awesome and interesting and not at all a waste of everyone's time!

No one wants Gervais. Stupidly unfunny misogynists we do not need more of.

The Oscars were on last night? They still show the Oscars on t.v.?

I worship you now. And apparently, I really should watch Torchwood. Barrowman & Marsters? I've been missing out!!

NU-UH! It's season three. Because that's the post-stupid-break-up Prom and Graduation Day!

"You are so wrong. "I'm getting my own spinoff!" is the best reason to break up with someone ever."

You are my new best friend.

And Angel spent the better part of season 3 trying to kill her and her family and friends, harassing her, stalking her ,etc. and then just straight up dumps her for the stupidest damn reasons you've ever heard.

It's so obvious. When he goes to that demon to get more power he goes through all those trials, what does he get? HIS SOUL! So that - in the demon's own words - SHE can get what she deserves. Which, apparently, is a really hot vampire with a soul. You know, again.

Most. Gorgeous. Man. EVER.

Yes, there is a reason some women bought 50 Shades of Grey - they're bored to death with hubby's poke-n-snore.