
Ugh, Angel is go gawddamn whiny I can't deal. I've been rewatching Buffy since Pivot started playing them every weeknight and it's a stark reminder of how annoying he was.

Cool obvious lies, bro.

cool hilariously false story, bro.

LOL WOW!! I can't believe you fell for that! LOL Poor bitter, angry virgin Bull Moose.

Hey man, fly that psychotically selfish bigot flag fly! but, don't pout too much when you die an angry, bitter virgin.

Shorter pisa: I have no idea what I'm talking about! Here's some links to other people who make up shit to lie about!

1) Find a group you don't like (feminists)

I once saw male supremacists described as follows, and I've stolen it and used it ever since.

Shhh! Don't try to talk sense to the Whiny White Dude Posse. All they can ever talk about is how hard it is to the at the top of mount privilege. It's all "Waaahhhhh I'm stupid, so you're a reverse racist!" and "waaahhhhh I don't have to listen to criticism! I'm right because I'm white!"

I've been buying these for YEARS. It's baffling to see them called the "new line". Seriously, I've been addicted to the Carmel Sutra one for years.

WHo takes the "I'll never speak to you again!" threat seriously? I'm not even a parent, and I know that's an empty threat.

right there with you. LOL, oh I'm a bad person, LOL <— sort of like that.

omg. I must have scrolled right passed him! didn't even see it. You're right!

I am totally not surprised that Barack makes a gorgeous queen. That man could totally rock a ball gown.

SHHHH!!!! read the comments! you are not allowed to criticize a religious woman! Feminism means never saying anything that a woman does is wrong if she pretends to be super duper happy on the teevee!

So, you're unaware that television shows edit the footage they record and that even heathens are allowed to have opinions in America? Okay then.

Oh yes, how oppressed religious people are! Especially in America! Just ask Arizona! The poor, poor xtians, having to listen to the unworthy heathens who think they can have opinions too! How dare they!

SHHHHHH!! you must not criticize religious women! Don't you get it, it's MEAN to have an opinion about her that isn't "good for her!"

SHHHHHH. you must not second guess the choices of religious women. They are sacred and absolutely never wrong. She obviously isn't brainwashed, LOTS of women do nothing but have child after child leaving the older ones to raise the new ones. She obviously isn't a brood mare, she's only have 20 kids! She's clearly

Apart from the lol-worthy god babbling, this isn't all that bad. I can dig the body positivity, even while wishing she didn't have to rely on an intensely misogynistic religion to prop herself up.