
Unless she immediately went home and yanked the internet connection from the wall, I'm betting little Precious Billy Bob has already seen bewbs. And a lot worse. Someone let this fossil know that free internet porn exists.

We're all sorry you're not all Idris Elba too, dudes. We are very sorry about that too.

Where you raised by racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic wolves or something? Yes, it's always fucking wrong.


I'd love to know where all these dudes with this oh-so-HIGH sex drive are. I've never once dated a dude with a higher drive than mine. So, fail, Ms. Panty-Sniffing, Riley.

Love that show!! (Spaced is even better.)

Great. Two companies with the shittiest customer service and most incompetent service technicians joining up.

Sure, because THAT happens every day. Kerrrrazy bitches, amIrite? My mistake. I thought you were arguing in good faith.

Exactly what I was trying to say. Thank you!!

Interesting how the "natural rights of humans" magically doesn't apply to women, at some arbitrary point random strangers feel is icky. And interesting how the "exception for medical necessity" vanished.

Well, that's for each individual to decide for herself according to her needs. It's not the government's decision.

Someone who knows she won't be able to get rid of the creeper unless she gives in so she can get the fuck away.


Seriously, it's like doesn't this dude know Rosy Palm and her five sisters? Or, maybe if he actually helped with their billion kids, she might not be so tired? Nah! that's craziness

Totally agreed. Well, that and all the hypocrisy, nepotism, cowardice, dishonesty and incompetence.

Honestly, I can't blame her. She's running in one of the most misogynistic states. She won't have a prayer of getting elected if she doesn't say anything a little asinine about abortion.

Esp the girls. I mean, if they aren't taking care of their siblings, they might want to do something else! And girls aren't allowed to do anything else.

The red tent!

The clothes! The horribly awful frumpathon!

Because the bible says gurls r icki.