
"reasonable accommodation" would have happened at the start of the class, had he talked to the professor, etc. He waited until after he knew he was failing to mention any of this. Even if he does have legit anxiety issues, that doesn't mean he's somehow exempt from acting like an adult and dropping the class. his

Keep on trucking with this obvious lie. No one is mocking his feelings, goofball, they're mocking his entitlement issues.

Are you seriously this incapable of basic reasoning, or are you just getting hard at all the imaginary misandry?

"So if a woman's feelings of discomfort in an all-male environment deserve to be respected, then so do a man's feelings of discomfort in an all-female environment. On an individual level there is no difference"

I bet if you end the faux outrage and think for a few seconds, you could come up with the answer.

Anyone else getting a strong wannabe MRA vibe of this total loser? It reminds me of the dudes that made false rape accusations in order to pretend that all rape accusations are false.

OMG I hear you. I comfort myself by remembering that Buffy herself isn't the character I actually care about on that show.

No, I'm not surprised. The only dudes I've ever known who "get it" are victims of it themselves. The rest are painfully and totally clueless.

Hey, no woman on earth DOESN'T want to have sex with Les Luthor from that show. NO ONE. and by NO ONE I mean, ME!! That's the only reason we watched Smallville. Lex. Luthor.

Word. It's so sucky how often this happens. I was totally in love with Martin Freeman, until he opened his mouth. Ugh.

No wonder Rory dumped you three times, dean. You suck!

Honestly, when I first read this I was prepared go to nuclear at what was looking like it was going to be surgery-shaming, but complications DO happen.

omg, where is it? And may cthulhu bless you for telling me such a wonderful thing exists here!

that's flipping off as performance art! <3

LOL I love how transparent puas are. I get laid! I totally get laid! Did I tell you I get laid! I really really really really do get laid! All the time! With real girls and everything! I totally get laid!

shorter rapist roosh: It's so hard being an fugly, skeazy ass rapist where women aren't chattel.

... yeah that's why it works so well. Skeazy pua losers always think they're immune to the tricks they pull, so I do enjoy showing they aren't.

translation: Ja noble has never, ever been laid.

The most effective "negback" for me is "aww, you were so cute until you opened your mouth. Reconsider before talking to women in the future"