
Oh, y0u know, shit you just made up on the fly.

You mad, rapey bro?

So, what you're saying is, he fucking precisely no one, ever. *shudder*

1 billionty percent agreed. Ladies, it will save you a LOT of time you might otherwise waste on rapey losers like this.

OH great. Just what I needed, a DEMAND that I buy twice the amount of GS cookies I buy every year. THANKS OBAMA!

"Oh, yeah, and this spell is performed by her SPITTING in Danny Huston's mouth. This is literally the grossest thing that's ever happened on this show. "

Probably a good idea, as I 've heard there are some people out there attacking the poor kid because they don't understand what "acting" means.

Exactly. I have several family members that are cops, and as far as I know, they aren't horrible ones. One, in fact, gets commendations all the time for her work against drunk driving.

I think you mean "no one cares about your obvious lies".

sugarbabycookiesweetiediddums, a crusty tube sock is not a "wife". creeper.

"Idealising a past where women (and many other people) basically had a worse time than they do now is not fun for most of us and looks insensitive or even ignorant"

"Mermaid Diet: A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the weird slimy fish-body! #finspo"

selective reading based on some serious bigotry issues.

It's the EVERYTHING IS ABOUT ME! reality where EVERYTHING is about Elizabeth and her desire for no sex. Which we are apparently supposed to deeply care about, for some reason.

....and from out of left field comes....

I am so down with that.


LOLOL as if any woman have ever you let you anywhere near her willingly.

sweetiehoneycookiebabysugar, the adults are talking. Go crawl back into your hole now.

You are my favorite person on earth right now.