
My current boyfriend is totally mustache guy. His entire reason for having a goatee is to keep my smell around all day, according to him. Frankly, after having a few vajayjay phobic dudes before him, I think it's awesome. Its so incredibly cool to be with a guy that isn't "vaginaphobic", if you will .

no, be MY valentine!

You don't know a damn thing about them. But we can see clear as day that you're one ANGRY, BITTER misogynist. Go back to angrily masturbating alone. We don't want to watch.

So, you're saying that no workers ever have the right to complain about their working conditions? Or just women don't because you're an asshole?

nah, he's just your garden variety, knuckle dragging whiny ass misogynist who apparently believes anyone cares what he thinks.

.... right. So what's your point? Apart from crying that you're expected to be an adult.

and a hilariously incompetent, flaccid liar.

well , sure because NO WOMAN works and definitely not after she's had a kid. Do you even live on earth, bigot?

As if he's ever gotten laid. Please.

Translation: if I can't force women to do exactly what I want when and how I want it I'm OPPRESSSED WAAAHH.

omg you're gross. NO, tricking someone into taking drugs they don't want to be taking is fucking wrong regardless of gender. It's not goddamn discrimination against men to tell them they can't do that. Psycho.

Yeah "act decently" ... but its all her fault.

yeah. keep burying your head up your bum and ignoring ALL THE WOMEN WHO HAVE PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED THIS because its too uncomfortable for you to be a decent person.

Translation: I like being bitter and angry so much Imma gonna REFUSE to listen to anything women say and, instead, lie about what they said. Because that's TOTALLY going to make women want to give me the pussy I so clearly am entitled to.

So, you've never once read Dr. Nerdlove, huh.

LOL perfection. I want to bake you ALL the cookies.

love me song River song, but 9 really is the absolutely best Doctor. 4evah!

mras don't find theft, identify theft, harassment, stalking, intimidation, threats and repeatedly attempting to facilitate rape and violence to be doing "nothing wrong", huh. Quelle surprise!

omg. that kid looks EXACTLY like my little brother when he was actually little. best. gif. ever.

LOVE IT!!!!!