
Translation: whiny misogyny instead of anything helpful to say!

Truthfully, Animal Planet jumped the shark once it aired that stupid fucking "real mermaids" pseudomentary.

this is upsetting because, even though the show is clearly staged, I always found Ernie and Neal to be completely endearing and adorable. I just said to my bf that I hope I don't come to find out they're awful. So much for that.

STEVE!!!!! still love steve and always will.

OMG. Jackson Galaxy knows all the cat things. he is awesome!

But the second season of Elementary has been such utter crap. I've stopped watching it's gotten so idiotic.

This is a show written by steven moffat. Anyone expecting good, or even barely decen treatment of female characters clearly hasn't been paying attention to the misogynistic shitschtick of moffat.

Maybe in 1950, but those of us that live in the 21st century know that lazy ass dudes never give up their seats, be it to pregnant woman old people or disabled people. Nope! You take up three seats with your legs spread open but god fucking forbid you spend 4 seconds considering someone else! Poor, poor baby!

To which we say, grow the fuck up. You're not the center of the universe, cupcake.

Equal parts hilarious and HORRIFYING!!! cannot stop laughing between my gags.

And PRAISE CTHULU for that. being around kids is my personal hell. That said, I've literally never confronted a parent in public or private about their kids. 1) because I'm not a parent and what the fuck do I know and 2), because from the outside, being a parent looks like such a fucking horrible, miserable hell

And "imam not gonna even TRY to parent this thing"

So, basically, I can beat this judge to death with a sledgehammer, but as long as I don't feel like it was murder, it wasn't! great precedent to set, shithead! FOAD, horribly and soon.

For the PARENTS of that child yes.

You're beyond okay with rape, cupcake, you're clearly saying that she deserved it because she's a normal teenager. Oh yeah it's the boy's fault when someone calls you out, but it was all her fault until then. You're disgusting.

no way. I was too. I officially want to die in New Orleans, if they really do it up like that!

I love this gif forever.

Excellent PUA gibberish.

Total dealbreaker. Since when is no sex a straight-edge thing. As if they weren't insufferable before the addition of celibacy.

Some of it is hilarious, but some of it showing distressed, sometimes terrified cats, which is not at all funny to me. Love that maru was included though, LOVE maru.