
IF you were concerned, you wouldn't be so intensely ignorant of the basic facts. Since you are, and then pulled the "waaaah misandry" bullshit, it's very safe to say you're just a full of crap trooollly troollll.

So despite the constant evidence to the contrary, this ONE STORY working out correctly has somehow convinced you that it's all women's fault. Great.

The 'unfounded and false allegation' lie is becoming so common it's basically "i'm not a racist, but". So obviously a rapist.

So, what you're telling us is, you live in a 1980s sitcom, and have never, ever talked to a woman that wasn't fictional?

*facepalm* this is like a logical fallacy parfait.

Jihad envy is an especially disgusting theist behavior.

Community, support, camaraderie, etc. all things worth saving. Silly childish fairy tales about someone's totally awesome imaginary friend with arbitrary rules you have to follow lest this imaginary friend torture you forever, do not. "believe in" myths in order to be good people.

Oh well, if it "seems" like that to you and "feel" you must be right, you just must be. Because reality only exists if it conforms to what "seems" to be true to you, based on absolutely no information, education or research.

You are outright lying. Either that or you've never actually visited an MRa site. rape and violence against women is NEVER condemned, it is celebrated, encouraged and justified.

They never do and never will. mras not only routinely celebrate. encourage and justify violence against women, they share tips on how best to get away with it. That's not a joke, an exaggeration or a lie. Get into their forums deep enough, you'll get all sorts of aadvice on how to hurt women - be they wives,

Christ, you're not just a liar, you're a really fucking BAD liar.

Especially when youre a despicable cowardly intellectually bankrupt bigot like yourself.

You don't do a god damn thing about any real issues affecting men and you know it. You know we know it. You're so incredibly ineffectual, incompetent and pathetic that you troll feminist website desperately begging for the attention of women, while making up the most idiotically juvenile, flaccid, limp lies your

Have you ever considered talking to someone about your moldy old jokes? It's probably not healthy to be breathing that boring old bullshit in.

Goodness, you are easily duped. Why do you think Swiffer used an old couple in the commercial? For EXACT this kind of bullshit excuse.

Neither was I when it happened to me, but it's good to know that if we just avoid drinking it will magically never happen again. ./snark

And absolutely no one has suggested otherwise. No one is saying "yeah, ladies, go out and get shit faced all the time. Fuck consequences or possible dangers!" NO ONE. But there's an undeniable vein of "but if you do, you kinds asked for it because all men are rampaging rape beasts" to some of these. Like I said,

Yep. We've all been told a billionty times already how to 'avoid getting raped'. And yet, it still happens. Weird. it's almost as if that non-vice is completely worthless....

This might surprise you but, women aren't a collection of dumbasses. We know all this stuff already. However, the punishment for making a mistake should not be rape, and should not be being blamed for being victimized merely because you're a less than perfect person who makes a mistake now and then. Your gross

Well, I admit, the douchier PETA gets, the more I crave a nice juicy bacon cheeseburger. So, at least for this person, PETA does make them eat more meat.