
Well, I'm a right brain if that means anything. I like both types of villains myself. I like ones where you have the backstory, the motivation, making-it-personal (your Reginas) but I also really like villains where they're menacing because it's so impersonal, because they dehumanize everyone and treat people like

Relatedly, poor Belle in this episode. For like the first 3/4ths was pretty much paid to just stand in the background and not have lines.

And see, that's why I liked Pan as a villain. He was just a villain and didn't have any sympathetic backstory for why. He was menacing because he dehumanized everything.

Well, I mean he clearly still had magic left since we saw him trying to rip Henry's shadow from him?

I thought this was one of the best episodes OUAT has done. While I can obviously pick it apart, easily, and see how flawed it was, I don't know, when I was watching it last night something just clicked and worked for me and the stuff from the Pan/Rumple on just really worked for me and I even teared up a lot during

7. If you mean as a result of that ep, it was pretty clear that Will became the new genie?

She was pretty decent in Lost, I thought. At the very least, on par or better than the core cast of OUAT for sure.

I think Grumpy was more a nod back to the Pilot where Grumpy is the one to sound the alarm when Regina's curse first comes. I felt like a lot of this episode was calling back to the pilot (which really did give it a Series Finale vibe)

I'm just guessing here, buuuuut, I think it was the idea that the only way to kill Pan was through magical means, so by stabbing both himself and Pan with his dagger (thus killing Rumple) that meant that Pan became the new Dark One, but that also meant the magic of the Dark One transfers to Pan and the blade, thus

I thought we were more so led to believe that he killed the voodoo tribe as some weird way to prove he could protect Cordelia. A lot of scenes seemed devoted to that tonight before the montage.

That's really not the same as preachy.

Yeah but then how does this explain things like Kit's Mom and the Christian Boy's mom being abusive and clearly antagonists of sorts?

Well, I think it's some slight on the actor, as he delivers all of the lines incredibly wooden as well.

I think they more so need to realize that no one finds Snow/Charming/Regina conflict flashbacks interesting anymore. There is no tension in a flashback. Like, every one of their recent flashbacks plays with their death in some way and it's so stupid because we all know they don't die, and that they're good as new for

According to the writers, that actually wasn't the same day over and over again Groundhog esque. Apparently it was more to show just how repetitive Storybrooke was, and how dissatisfied Regina was with it because it was basically the same thing over and over again and everyone seemed cozy and no one knew who she was

This is just making me think though — why didn't she use her gun in Neverland?

Yeah I realize that, but given how it could just be any random victim, I'm looking for something a bit more to suggest why /this/ random victim. I mean, I also doubt it was no coincidence that we were shown a scene where she was being rude to Tink again.

I kind of want the Red Queen to crossover to OUAT and then her and Pan can just be fabulous together, causin trouble in british accents.

"So was it Emma’s secret honesty-telling superpower and savior status that led her to the discovery that Pan and Henry have switched bodies? Apparently, she was most likely led by her own jealousy, since the new! fake! Henry would rather hang out with Regina than with her."

I don't know. Gilmore was still pretty bad as Pan, just less noticeably bad. He landed the quiet moments (being in his room alone, his knowing smiles/looks/etc) but anytime he had to deliver a line it was pretty bleh imo.