
No offense guys and gals but you’ll need to drop your personal biases out of your articles for me to consider any of your sites an actual “news” source. I’m as anti-Trump as can be, but I call it like I see it.

According to TDOT had a better recruiting class than FAU.

Spelling “kooky” with a C is the real crime here.

Oh please. You think China is the only place that makes cheap tech? No. China didn’t create the demand and then create the supply to meet it. WE created the demand and that in turn lead China to create the supply that met the demand. If the demand still exists then the supply will follow. There is nothing inherently

First of all what the fuck is this and why is it on my Gizmodo? You should all be ashamed of the political dumping ground this blog (and Deadspin and Jalopnik) has become post-Gawker.

5. Dane Cook

Follow-up: Basketball found murdered on the streets of our war-zone like inner cities. Phil Jackson considered the top suspect.

This is how dictatorships begin and people are disappeared.

“...Oh, this would have been a much better excuse.”

Sure. Especially when you factor in size... as a decent pick up hoops player, I still feel confident playing against some WNBA players (LOL!), based on how I did against the women’s team as a spot practice guy in college...

Still a better GM than actual Gar Forman..

Yes, a professional draft where people make MILLIONS of dollars is JUST like slavery. This is a bad take, and you should feel bad.

You won’t believe what hipsters are doing now?

It depends what part of the military they’re in really. As an example, many in the SF/SOF community didn’t like POTUS Obama because they felt he held them back too many times. Others felt that the rules of engagement they were under when deployed turned them into defenseless cannon fodder. I’m sure if you ask sailors

Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.

So where’s the plagiarism aside from the five words “back to you... the people”?

I am all for more movies where a little girl flips out and kills a lot of bad guys.

An EMP would have no effect whatsoever on the rubidium, or either of the two hydrogen masers clocks because I just made that up.

If that were the case, we would likely target Russia’s GLONASS satellites long before worrying about our allies in the EU.