
Token conservative here. I am absolutely appalled how the Republican party has sold it’s soul over the past year. Trump was bad, this is downright terrifying. How can the party claim to be the “Moral Majority” when they are backing a candidate who may be a serial child molester? It’s not like he took a couple free

Given the level of farce everything has become, it must be “Yakety Sax”, Benny Hill movements optional.

Shit, well, now who is Trump going to root for in the Olympics?

John Fox then proceeded to challenge the field goal, arguing that it was, in fact, a 49ers touchdown.

I khan’t believe you just said that.

Revenge is a dish best served Gould.

“we heard that you was hitting a cap in arcade mode and instead of actually removing the cap we moved the cap up a bit so we dont hear as many complaints”

Taking your fucking star.

Ate the W. Proves he elite anything

Props to Joe Flacco for finding the one way to imitate Jameis Winston without getting himself banned from Uber.

Somewhere in alabama roy moore both messed his pants AND declared this video some sort of commie, illegal immigrant witchcraft.

“Is there a calculator for people who don’t live permanently in the year 1990 and do actual modern contract work as a sole-proprietor LLC?”

as a born and raised WV- this is a fair judgement of jimbo.

it’s not just making fun - they attack the charcter of people - Drew said while speaking of a Barstool guy - I wouldn’t care if he died in a freezing river...

You can, and should, make fun of ESPN and their higher ups while still being aware of the shit that the lower-level employees have to go through.

When Gawker went down it was all poor us, we did nothing wrong blah blah blah. When its someone else fuck them they deserve it because they are not us.

They don’t care about that. For them, it’s a wonderfully convenient excuse for the fact that they feel like they should be able to get a better coach. No question.

The Time Person of the Year should be a collage of all of this year’s child-rape apologists.

I smell a rat. This guy obviously knows “science”. His calculations, especially flight characteristics, incorporate good old round-earth gravity. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt.

This is like eating a mediocre chicken sandwich at a restaurant and then demanding you also be allowed to eat the beaks and feathers.