Audio Tachometer

Michael J Fox on a unicycle! Thank you for that.

Don't forget Ford's 300. Lived for 31 years, died in '96.

I totally get your point. My joke was along the lines of carmakers making an "enthusiast" car and not offering a manual (excluding super duper track cars like the 911 GT3).

Subaru PR guy 1: You know Honda has been listening to Jalopnik commenters right?

So chop up a bunch of onions and garlic and mushrooms, or include whatever vegetable-y materials you like. Lay them down in a cast iron skillet (it's too cold outside to grill sometimes). Put some oil in the pan, and some teriyaki or worcestershire sauce in the pan. Lay down your deer steaks (which you acquired by

There are a decent amount of pheasants around my parts.

I once saw a Festiva for sale on craigslist for 4,500 dollars. To me, that beats the 'Vette.

I think I saw this on the side of a van once.

Hey, let's not get too harsh with insults here. No need to put the man down with your tidings.

It's a good thing they weren't caught in a Trucknado.

U of M represent. Go Griz!

I really love how the hubcaps haven't changed for nearly 40 years.

Interesting. In my experience, it's been 5 manuals to one auto. But I am a mountain-wester. And one of them is pearl white.

I don't think the 5 speed was that rare. But good choice.

Lloyd, Lloyd! Ngya NgyaNgyaNgyaNgya!

I love the part where young Neil says oh no instead of oh my. We've all done that one before.

You make a good point. My rant I guess wasn't directed to you personally, but all the "OMG drum brakes are magic LOL" types. Your analogy is awesome and spot on.

I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but I don't understand the confusion toward drum brakes. I'm not a particularly smart human, but I did mine all by myself. Just pull both drums off and use one as a reference. End rant.

It's just not the same since the plane crash though.

Good point. I suppose with some good old asian engineering you could probably get half a cord in them.