
And they look like very cheap knockoffs at that.

The only thing I care about is the humor. As long as they don't screw up the sense of humor, there is no way in hell I would pass up this game.

So what you're saying is that, between this and TeamViewer, you can do everything LogMeIn can do, for free?

I didn't even notice the face... read your post.. now I can't unsee.

Pshh. It's the time you don't wake up because you think it's the sheets and it really IS the bed that you need to worry about.

Actually, yes, yes I would. Cold brew coffee is delicious, especially if the finally destination is an iced coffee or blended coffee drink. Cold brewing coffee leaves the acidity in the grounds, leading to a lot smoother result.

Liquidation? You mean the prices might drop to only 25% more than amazon (physical) prices?

I've seen every episode of Family Guy. Literally. Actually, it's kind of sad that I've seen every episode of anything....

This was my thought. Flipping repeatedly and forgetting to rest it just leads to shitty steak.

I thought you were never supposed to turn a steak more than once...?

Alas, you are not alone. It's mildly frustrating.

Wtf? Not for the iPod touch? What gives, Google?

The programmer? What about the publisher? No game from activision will EVER have that attention to detail. Especially if it's in the COD series where there is only 2 years to plan, develop, test, and release.

I just think that that's a little generalistic... Many building owners will pay professional graffiti artists to paint murals on the side of their buildings.

I'll argue this one because there are a lot of REAL graffiti artists out there that are absolutely amazing.

I have flown 8 times in the last 3 years. All pretty much around the holidays. I have never had a pat down, and I have never had to go through the body scanner.

I wouldn't call it a right, per say. Electricity isn't exactly a right either. If you don't pay the bill, you get cut off.

Sadly it's the only option I have for what I need. I stream a lot of Netflix, Hulu, and play Xbox Live. The only other option I have is Qwest DSL for a paltry 1.5 meg download.

I'm all for reducing the governments control over what we have a right to purchase or not to purchase... but aren't there bigger issues that should be getting the attention right now? Like, I don't know, the debt ceiling?

You, sir, are awesome!