
Haha, when he opens his visor. The look of someone who just shit himself.

Friends don't let shitty movie reviewers review the life of another in a douchey way?

Pretty sure copper is chosen because how it transfers heat... not because of how "cheap" it is. Isn't copper quite expensive these days?

Seeing designs on netflix envelopes would be kinda fun.

Damn. One of my favorite jackassers. :\

I'm kinda curious... how has Microsoft not been touched yet?

Lightroom is worth every single cent they charge, especially if you decide to shoot in raw (Which, you should if you have the harddrive space for it)

Damn. I remember buying that back when it was $89.

There is absolutely NOTHING like a fresh, homemade pizza off of a pizza stone. Well, there is, but you can't build a wood fire brick oven in an apartment :P

Haha, touche.

One of the greatest games on the N64. To me at least.

I guess there really is no winning is there?

The best way to get out of a speeding ticket is to avoid getting pulled over in the first place.

There is absolutely nothing like the sound the engines and props on this plane produces. Brings chills.

I'm making 13.50 right now working helpdesk with no benefits (Internship technically). I would much rather make 50 cents more and work in an Apple store. Hands down. However, being a PC user all my life, my Apple knowledge is about that of a patron of the place. :P

Capital punishment for Child Molesters?