
I have an online me and an offline me, but not so much in the same way. Online I am who I am and who I want to be, and offline I'm non-confrontational and suffer from social anxiety to the point where I can barely hold a job. The only people who know the real me are my wife, and the closest of my friends.

Now lets see the machine ride a unicycle while juggling...

Someone wanna put one of these together for DVORAK?

I agree to some extent.. however, creating folders to go hand in hand with filters is invaluable. While I don't mind have my inbox constantly full, I don't like seeing the 20 pieces of spam/mailers in my inbox every day. And receipts/invoices? always nice to have in it's only folder in case of RMA or merely just for

What if the porn images and movies were steganographic in nature? What a better why to hide terror plans than in porn images. While yes, undoubtedly a lot of the CIA watch porn... they wouldn't be watching it for THAT reason. Plus is so blatantly Western, no one would expect him to touch it with a ten foot pole.

I remember my nephew picked up the habit of jumping every time he made his character jump in a NES game.

You didn't find anything because, obviously, if you don't like portal you have no soul and, thusly, can't be a christian....

Fortunately, speaking out against an ideology isn't racist. :D

Maybe even terrorist can't bare to watch their own destruction. Think about it, almost every terrorist plot has to do with the one that carries it out dying.

That may be what the MSDS says, but people who worked with it every day didn't seem to concerned. Plus, really, it was only minuscule amounts. That shit's expensive, no one's going to waste a lot (especially in the ailing supercomputer market).

My short password is 12 characters. Caps, numbers, symbols. My long password is quite a bit longer with all that plus a space or two.

I know this is about the iPad and all that junk, but I wanted to comment on the flourinert. I got to visit Cray's Wisconsin location a few years ago and they showed us flourinert. They actually poured some into our hands. That stuff is crazy! It boils at an extremely low temperature, so it was completely evaporated