Jimmy Burnstuff

That’s... not at all what is going on here.

Is it? It seems clear it is endorsing the idea that things are tougher for minorities in the US, and ergo the idea of white privilege. Explain how it is parodying that idea

oh no a container was used to contain things

Actually, plenty of us did ask for something like Verrit, to combat the preferred false narratives about 2016 pushed the media’s white male supremacist status quo. It is vital that white male Hillary-haters in the media and press, of which they are many, not be allowed to rewrite the history of the 2016 election to

We can seamlessly shift from the talk of how a person of color must be forced to wear prosthetics or a motion-capture rig in order to appear in science fiction to talk about how a white actor is taking over the role without one single hint of irony, I’m sure.

I like how scrolling on my phone makes the content move left and right like the page is drunk and can’t walk straight.

GWTW may be racist, but Mammy is the only character that’s not either ridiculously stupid or a monumental asshole, so I’ll give it that.

It’s the bit with Ashley ‘heroically’ going on a proto-KKK raid that’s the worst, I think.

Thanks, David. I thought I did. And some of the comments certainly make it seem that way.

I feel stupid now. Hamilton was trying to make a joke and it went over my head. But yes, it was butter :D

It is, and God knows where "apricot jelly" came from - particularly egregious as Tolkien would never have used the obnoxious Americanism "jelly" instead of "jam". The quote is butter.

There's a scene in The Lord of the Rings where Frodo tells Sam that due to the corrupting power of the One Ring, he feels "sort of stretched, like apricot jelly scraped over too much toast." Or something like that. Anyway, that's Destiny: delicious apricot jelly scraped over too much toast.

And again, let me reiterate, and for the final time: I criticised Marvel Comics for producing a piece of comics propaganda about a Pope. Not the faith. The comic wasn't titled The Life of The Catholic Church, it was The Life of John Paul II. And I will maintain that 90% of the Catholic Church's teachings are

Wow, generalise much?

Comparatively, teenage me found herself made really uncomfortable by them. And not in a sexy way.