
I'm one lucky dude. I saw my first R rated movie at 4 years old. I was playing violent video games at 7. I guess I'm just that one in million case where I didn't go on a killing spree from playing violent video games or watching violent movies. What was it like not playing games rated T for teen until you were 13 and

I was playing GTA at 9 years old, and I never once (until playing IV last year) picked up a hooker. I think if you were to spend time around me you would find my attitude towards women completely healthy. But who cares about that, lets just continue to make gross generalizations!

The way I see it: Some people like CoD, some people like Pokemon, some people like little big planet, and some people like Minecraft. I doubt they would spend the time to do this if they didn't find it rewarding/fun. There really is nothing sad about someone having fun creating.

Because it's fun. It doesn't have to be feature rich if the features is does have are fun. that people still play Super Mario Bros after all this time. That game is not feature rich by any stretch of the imagination. I still get on GTAIV to play multiplier with a friend every week. It's the same reason

Few problems I have.

Marcus is actually a really good guy. That's all I have to say.

There is a key difference between MP2 multiplayer and online multiplayer in this game. This game is obviously better with friends. This article is proof of that. MP2 had no reason for the multiplayer to exist.

This isn't an attack on you personally, but I've always found that a funny reason to not include it. I agree that playing online isn't as fun as being in the same room but I'd still like the option when being in the same room isn't possible. Not nearly as fun is still better than nothing, right?

Damn, even the sand wants to forget episode one.

You are a very dense person. You seem to think that your "getting one over" on me. while in reality, your repeated lines don't make any sense at all. I've given you numerous chances to explain yourself but you just don't want to take the first step in helping yourself. Don't worry dude, I won't give up on you. It

Guess it's a good thing none of my actions were fundamentally wrong then. I'll say it again, posting here requires a lot less energy, "anger", and "fear" than you seem to think it does.

I really think you're overestimating how much energy it takes to copy paste the same question four times. Just to show how easy it is, I'll do it a fifth time.

You realize that to anyone else reading this you look like a giant tool, right? You can't even answer the questions I asked you, or just don't want to. In either case you can't scapegoat out of your reluctance to answer by claiming that I have a problem. I'm not angry, just curious as to your reasoning. Your behavior

I laughed at their comments, even recommended two of them. There was nothing to add other than a "haha" or "lol". You on the other hand did not seem to get the joke, so I pointed it out to you. I continued commented because it intrigued me that you first took offense to me explaining the joke and then imply that I was

Actually, seven people, counting you, have commented on my post. So again the irony of the situation arises. No one but me has replied to your comments, so all things considered I'm the one indulging you.

I continue commenting because I am attempting to discern what compelled you to post in the first place. Your posts and cryptic reasoning don't hold nearly as much weight as you think they do and I highly doubt that I am at risk of being consumed by the emotional trauma they may cause. Your pleas for me to "let it go"

Then you were explaining what a deity was to someone who already knows what a deity is for no reason at all? Also, you can't tell someone "Let it go" while still also commenting. The irony is a bit much.

must... not... take... the... bait... GRRRRR

You're right, I made a snarky joke on a blog post. It did begin with me. The conflict began when you commented trying to explain what a deity is to someone who is fully aware of the definition of deity. So it also began with you. Now, what am I trying to give to you that I am not in possession of?

You have also replied to every comment I have made, so I would argue that either we both have some "issue" or neither of us do. If we do have some issue, I have some idea what your issue might be. Maybe your a Christian that was offended by what I implied about your religion. Maybe your just upset that you didn't get