
The reason I do not call myself a feminist is because women do not exist in a bubble. I can't fathom any reason why women are treated worse than men in any situation but I also can't fathom why ANYONE is treated as a lesser. Even issues that you think only apply to women will apply to some other group in some way if

Inequality is one of the most disgusting things in my opinion. I thank my Mother for instilling in me the hatred I have for people who oppress others. I can't fathom why women are paid less for the same work, why they shouldn't be allowed to make decisions about their own body, or why they STILL aren't afforded the

Is Tobias Funke a werewolf?

Yes we're arguing semantics, because intrinsic value does belong to the essential nature of an object and it is not essential that the n word be racist. Intrinsic value can not be "earned" from the way a word has been used! That's not what intrinsic value is! The only value any word has is the value that a culture

As far as the inanimate thing, I probably should have said non-physical. I completely agree that words and symbols can be hateful! If the person using them uses them hatefully! Swastikas weren't signs of hate until the Nazis started using them, but the swastika itself goes back to ancient India. There is nothing

A word can't belong to anyone, they are inanimate objects! I'm sorry to disappoint you but the only meaning words have is that which is put into it by the speaker or writer. A perfect example of this is the fact that we as a species have hundreds of languages. If words had intrinsic meaning there would be some kind of

You first say that using the word nigger is ALWAYS racist when i a white person says it, then you go on to say that " what the word is used for and what it means is what matters". Racism is in intent. A word is only letters put together, they have no intrinsic meaning, only the meaning the speaker puts into them. If

He said USUALLY, as in most of the time. Gen 5 was the one exception so far. X and Y imply 3d because the logical next step is Z, x being the horizontal plane y being the vertical plane and z being the plane of depth.

I don't know any of the reasoning but I'm flying to Kanto next month and I'll ask... I would assume the difference is that the normal animals don't have super powers. As far as Farfetch'd goes there was only ever one in the games if I remember correctly so maybe the only bird that holds a piece of celery is a

Actually you left out what the biggest employer in the Pokemon universe may be: manufacturing. Remember silph Co? They were a legitimate business that made the Pokemon products. The same can be said for the Devon corporation in Rustboro City and I'm sure there are others in other generations. As far as food goes,

As some one who grew up poor-adjacent, most of the games I got were used. I can honestly say that if the Gamecube and Playstation 2 didn't play used games I would not be a gamer today. Could they lose some current gamer's if this happened, yeah but it wouldn't hurt that much. What could potentially hurt them is the

... And what would you like as your side with that heaping pile of self righteous hate coming your way Mr. Troll?

And it should have! The Zune was a great piece of hardware as was the Zune HD. Zune's were the first devices from Microsoft to use the metro UI. The Zune was actually ahead of its time in many ways; the pre touch screen era Zunes had WiFi so you could download or stream music, which is pretty standard today, but blew

Carrier is much more important! It became even more important after all the "unlimited data" debacles. I've had Sprint sense I got a cell phone and have never had any problems with signal any where that friends on other carriers didn't also have. I wouldn't trade my unlimited data for anything with the amount of music