AudiAudiOxenFree - Now with only BMWs

No way I’d buy a 430 hp GT3 when I could get a 616 hp actual exotic, that doesn’t look like a C2, that runs a 10.5 qm on street tires and crushes a 991 GT3 RS on the track for the same price, and won’t depreciate any more (although the depreciation on a GT3 isn’t too bad at all).

there are a lot of shots in that movie I wish we’re cut to three seconds long to needlessly try to increase pacing. Such as aytime any of the characters are talking to each other. Or any set up shot, orany shot where we’re establishing the location. Or any chot hat should have some weight

Nobody is going to be that trigger happy

We’ll just pretend you didn’t know any better :-)

I’m worried about the Jeep.

Kids these days with their regenerating shields. Back in my day, we had to find a bunch of 5HP healing vials conveniently lined up in a hallway.

Do not like “Bentayga”. LOVE “Continental Wagon”. Pretty sure that if you have the financial horsepower to commission one of these beasts, you can wield a little extra pressure (as in $$$) and get Bentley to call yours a “Continental Wagon” as well.

Just typing “Continental Wagon” is giving me the strangest boner.

Obviously, you’ve never heard of rocket-jumping

Pictured: November 9th, 2016.

But getting the seeds out of the permagranate is such a pain in the ass.

And it looks like a kit car.

Fucker didn't even recycle? What an asshole.

video game tattoos are the worst and you should be banned from going anywhere public you massive dork

Agreed, about 3/4 of the way through the movie, but before the bat v sups fight scenes, I all of a sudden realized; Hey I’m really enjoying this, I thought I was suppossed to not like it.

I’m afraid I must disagree. Attack of the Clones did not have Jessie Eisenburg making random squawking noises. He was worse than Jar Jar Binks. I wouldn’t have disliked this film nearly as much if he had not been in it.

Yup, I felt like they did a TON of world-building in this and I appreciated the hell out of it. I went into this expecting to hate it (or at least dislike it a ton), but ended up enjoying myself far more than Age of Ultron, which just felt like it existed solely as a reason for Tony Stark to be even more

I've been banging my head on the desk here at work for just over 25 years. Wonder if I should consider doing the same?

That sounds a little delirious delicious to me

I’m getting tremens just thinking about it

When will people learn that diversity and tolerance doesn't extend to the point that you welcome a culture that has an open desire to change your country to reflect their values by any means necessary?