AudiAudiOxenFree - Now with only BMWs

Oh I don’t disagree; that’s why I’m not a teacher.

....and have summers off, and a very solid retirement, and the best medical insurance available, one of the easiest possible collegiate majors, have the ability to coach and tutor on the side, and the ability to know exactly what the job entails, and how much it pays every single year of the career, before even

Disagree entirely - the new “self” is but a perfect copy, but it isn’t the original “self”.

Brakes are applied.

Why do automakers suck at naming? They even find some way to mess up when they have relatively simple alphanumeric naming systems. Just call it the i10 and be done with it.

Oh, it’s got the cloud? Well, that’s good. Can’t have a next-gen car without the cloud. Everybody’s using the cloud these days.

And that’s why horses shouldn’t skip leg day.

Too soon for horse jokes? Neigh.

Track car and GT4 ALL the things!! license is required to drive.

For internet fame & bragging rights?

An American car that was designed by the English and New Zealanders and is now being built in Canada. The GT isn’t the bald eagle you think it is.

woo! It’s see-thru. Kinda naughty

Best Canadian car, ever.

Why would they want to?

Why is this on Jalopnik, when there’s a Foxtrot Alpha website?

Yup, not the kind of thing that would happen to a superior clutch ninja.

We’ve emailed Volkswagen for additional comment, and will update if we hear back.


What’s your deal here? What horse do you have in this race? Why do you want your own freedom and privacy taken away from you?