AudiAudiOxenFree - Now with only BMWs

where is this fantastical place, and what tax credits are in place to artificially boost the sales of Otto’s peanut oil motor?

Seriously, the design and art direction of the prequels was worlds ahead of the JJ’s new offering.

? What 400s, 412s an 456s came with 3 and 4 speed GM torque converting transmissions with no paddles

I’ll bet it can’t even record times because it is in quantum superposition at the beginning and end of every race, meaning it finishes the race without even moving, and its lap times are absolutely zero. I mean, that’s technically performance, right?

Does this also mean it can drive on a vertical slope, and upside down



daaaaaang this gon’ be good

Dude, it’s not your religion that makes you stupid, it’s the fact that you’re stupid that makes it so. Please don’t assume that everyone that shares your religion is as utterly clueless as you are. That’s fucking offensive to the rest of us.

Unimogs are street legal, why would that be an issue?

How come mine never did that??

Just spent a week in UT and a few days in Jackson, I never thought I’d see such bad conditions in a 300+ inch winter there, bad timing I guess. Left super disappointed from this particular trip. Heading to Mt. Snow this weekend, and all I hear are bad things. Guess it’ll be two days of park laps and drinking:

This is a fantastic observation.

Why is it that the interior of every private plane, no matter how expensive, ends up looking like a 1985 Starcraft van conversion?

Maybe not, but he was obviously in an airport sometime in the last month.

With the reference photo of the Veyron, I’ve decided I like the front styling of the old car A LOT better. Chiron just feels like more of the same, and it’s name sounds like a prehistoric selfish.

In Southern California, the opposite was true. OCIR flourished for a while, and was initially “out in the middle of nowhere.” But then the Irvine Company started building houses in the area, and the residents started complaining about the noise. I’m sure part of the sale pitch was “that drag strip won’t be there for

Or noise violations, you know AFTER the township already agreed to them

You don’t get the problem with self driving cars, it’s a thousand times more difficult to make a safe self-driving car, than a safe self-flying aircraft or drone. And it will only be safer with a Neural Network rather than a Central Computer connected to Micro Controllers.

Most likely compensating for other, er... short comings...

Or water. Exaggerate much?