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It looks 50% more eye gouging ugly to me

Because they tried it already and it didn’t work...granted Mercedes really should have put sliding doors on this.

Apparently I’m guilty of being a dweeb since my question garnered an insult from you.

Why are you guilty of something in America just for being born a white, Anglo-Saxon male?

“new tripod axle drive shafts”

Kinda wish they’d work on the headlights though. They still hold it back from looking truly fantastic.

Are you suggesting that those are significantly different circumstances or the same? “Engaged after a few months” vs “married after I think a year”

How does someone write a letter like that without already buying a plane ticket?

I mean the guy has a legit point... this film had a lot of heart, and I liked it, but it was the very definition of derivative. He expressed his opinion and immediately someone posted a sarcastic "edgy" comment.

Your tears are delicious.

I asked a friend after we both saw it separately, what exactly was the plot to the movie. There seemed to be about 20 of them after all, the movie was more “hey lets put this in it will look awesome, hey lets put this in just for fan service”. I guess every father-son interaction must take place on a bridge or

Yes. I’m so glad I am not the only one who didn’t like it.

If they had concentrated on the story half as much as they did for creating characters to shoehorn their friends into the movie, then it might have been halfway decent and not derivative of New Hope. Instead, we’ll probably get another blog post next week titled, ‘Something that you didn’t know about Episode 7 because

100% agreed

The Infiniti is strong with this one.

Does Maserati really need an SUV?

No way it isn’t a used toyota camry

Really, Eugenics is where you go? Troll much?

I dunno.. don't you think if more intelligent people were breeding, there'd be more livable wages, paid leaves, and proper funding for scientific research? It certainly wouldn't hurt in trying to live up to the ideals and promises you speak of...