
Ah the “don’t like it just don’t look at it” argument. Of course, that’s just silly when we’re talking about sitting 8 inches from each other on an airplane. I’m sorry you’re sensitive about your nasty habit, but I’m not sorry about thinking it’s nasty. I’ve thankfully never had to sit next to anyone rude enough to be

Not that long really. I don’t know about this particular turbine of course, but if comparing it to APUs on aircraft, or even the engines on airplanes, it just doesn’t take long. APUs in particular (which this thing essentially is) fire up in a matter of moments and you can apply power very soon after. It would not be

The only thing I can imagine that would be worse than sitting next to some one who is vaping would be sitting next to some one who is spitting into a cup every 30 seconds (or god forbid a coke bottle with a napkin shoved in it). Talk about absolutely fucking disgusting.

Minivans, no matter how nice they are inside, don’t look good parked in front of a country club, and that’s just about all there is to it. The sort of people that would be buying a $60,000 minivan are buying the eminently stupid QX80 instead, because big Infiniti SUV (never mind that it has the cargo capacity of a

They’re on the ground. I’m sure most of them got their freaking out done long before this video was taken.

Toyota disagrees with your assessment. Apparently the ploy the attracted younger buyers worked.

The edit changes everything. In the damning bits you posted first he is talking about how he USED to feel, and then in the bit you added later he is talking about how he feels now. He is describing an attitude shift. Isn’t that what we want? Bigoted assholes to reevaluate how they think about something? This article