I’m not sure you understand what pedophilia is if you think a father mentioning his daughter’s anatomy qualifies.
I’m not sure you understand what pedophilia is if you think a father mentioning his daughter’s anatomy qualifies.
Really? Those shows say “Death to All Jews” with no context or abhorrent repercussions for the person who says it? When South Park makes a Jew joke, the funny part isn’t “haha fuck the Jews let’s kill them all.” Cartman is the true butt of the joke, because the audience is supposed to laugh at what a shitty person he…
I’m a literal professional comedian. I’m not sure you have any idea what comedy is about. Putting Anti-Semitism on stuff without any sort of context isn’t a joke
But it will be exciting to reforge the Master Sword from its broken shards, so that Ned Stark can reclaim his throne from the evil Lord Voldemort in Narnia.
Hey just so you know, An Angry Irishman, a bigot, troll, and member of the hate group Gamergate has replied to you. I recommend dismissing his comments as soon as you can.
Not everyone shares your mentality of playing a game meant for entertainment like a job...
> 8/10 games I’d say I get gold eliminations and damage and practically every single game people scream at me to switch.
Reporting them creates consequences for their non-sportsmanlike actions.
It’s a team game. What you are suggesting is the very definition of poor sportsmanship.
But you are, whether you realise it or not. The objective is to use cooperation to win the match, correct? To help facilitate this Blizzard designed it so people would adapt their picks based on the scenario and to avoid a ‘main pick’ mentality. You’re ‘main picking’, everyone else has to pick up your slack.
We don’t get to dictate the actions of other players, just like we don’t get to dictate the action of strangers in real life, and can only comport ourselves with respect and integrity.
I’ll flip that on you and ask why it’s fair to repeatedly force people to play as a tank or healer if they want to win? While the game is fun to play regardless, losing repeatedly is definitely not much fun. That means 95% of the time I’m playing as a tank or healer. That’s fine for me (I bet I’m an exception here, as…
Even though I don’t play the game, might I counter with the question of how a player can become good with those characters without playing them.
When you play ranked, you give up the ability to “play how you want to play.” Ranked modes are highly competitive, where the focus is team synergy and winning, not having fun and doing whatever you want. As I explained in my post, I have a clear favorite hero in HotS that I almost never play in ranked because I know I…
Their “fun” comes at the cost of [people who take the game too seriously].
You can always buck the trend - I’ve dominated on Pharah against a team of hard counters more than once. But there’s a reason why he’s getting so many people asking him to switch off Hanzo, and that’s because 1) most people can’t play Hanzo effectively, and 2) there are a lot of situations where he’s simply not that…
Are Widow and Hanzo the only characters that people who main suck at, or are we trying to say that as characters, they’re easier to suck at than others?
I mean, I could just as easily cherry pick my best moments on Pharah (of which I have plenty ;D), but that doesn’t make her a good pick in most competitive situations. It’s easy to look good in a compilation video when you’re editing out the 90% of the time you’re pretty useless.