True story: Argh once said that anyone who criticizes Zach Snyder movies is somehow an anti-semite. He lives in his own little world.
True story: Argh once said that anyone who criticizes Zach Snyder movies is somehow an anti-semite. He lives in his own little world.
ok, i’ll clarify, lest i lose thetallblonde as a friend, which would be devastating and i would likely never recover from it.
Stupid hat? Check.
I don’t watch this show, we have plenty of great home renovation shows in Canada without this sort of anti-gay, ultra-Christian bent. The Canadian shows I watch feature many gay couples and they’re just ‘couples.’
This seems like such an odd thing for people to get their panties in a twist about. Between the Russians, voter suppression efforts, and Trump claiming the election was rigged I don’t see how taking a closer look at a couple of states can hurt, maybe it will help restore some confidence in our voting system. It’s…
“Little known facts” aka a bunch more reasons that this remains my favorite JRPG of all time. Also, this quote explains one of the reasons I love the game so much: “Tanaka: Because it’s not your typical fantasy setting, so the outset we had to think more carefully about each location, and make sure they felt realistic…
Because all thing serve the beam.
I think this episode all but confirmed that Ford killed Arnold.
Me on election night: Oh, I get it now... we’re in the Berenstain universe.
You can start by not calling them “bros.” Bernie had a great deal of support among women and people of color, and painting everyone with the fratty, white dude brush from day one was one of the big mistakes the Hillary coalition made early on. It is INCREDIBLY frustrating to be told that you are a misogynistic piece…
Notwithstanding, I agree with you. Just a bit grumpy after seeing the top posts around here, repeatedly searching for someone to scapegoat for the DNC’s campaigning. Yours wasn’t one of them, though.
It’s an attractive subject for fiscal conservatives and wonkish/neocon/lib Democrats, to boot, if presented correctly. We spend about 80B/year on our prisons, with 4X as many prisoners as any other nation (unless China’s caught up some more). We spend countless billions policing petty drug crimes and prosecuting them,…
Do Sanders supporters want to rub anyone’s noses in the failure? The top comments on every blog post around here are from Clinton supporters, licking their wounds and trying to listen for their echoes bouncing off the ever-shrinking walls of their tea room. On this blog entry, these supporters’ top comments complain…
Reforming and undoing the privatization of our criminal justice system. Investing in infrastructure, eliminating the cost of job-skill training or 2-year degrees, ending the drug war and investing in treatment instead of prosecution, reforming our immigration system to restore pathways to citizenship other than…
No, we actually don’t agree on everything. Pushing this narrative is dangerous and ends up marginalizing people, which is exactly what is happening. I mean, Bernie’s whole campaign was about taking down the 1%. It is 2016. We have known about the 1% for a very long time. It was just convenient for Dems just to let…
Do they? The Dems have paid lip service to labor unions for years while at the same time pushing for anti-labor agreements like TPP and NAFTA. You also conveniently forgot to leave out breaking up the banks and social justice. Those are just three areas the Dems can be more progressive and less centrist.
I stayed at my parents’ house this weekend and had a long chat with my mom, who pointed something interesting out.
I still can’t wrap my head around how NOBODY here has mentioned the fucked up DNC other than you. If “drain the swamp” can apply to anything, it would be in this instance. They took a shit all over their supporters.