I liked the Bab5 approach with the Starfuries. Their “wings” were essentially weapon/thruster mounts. Though they did kind of wimp out on it in later seasons with the Thunderbolt class being semi-atmospheric.
cult of personality that has swirled up around Sanders
Maybe that’s why I’ve liked FO4 much less than 3 or New Vegas.
That’s because Obsidian has/had more skilled hands turning the tale that were truly keyed in to what Fallout was, just as Bethesda’s run at fantasy weirdness in Morrowind, Shivering Isles and Solstheim shows that they are truly keyed in to what The Elder Scrolls series is. The storytelling beats are more compelling…
No, I feel the same way. Obsidian knows how to write a clever and engaging RPG. Bethesda knows how to build a world, then fill it with fetch quests and nothing interesting, then call it an RPG.
I really hope they go back to the goofiness well of New Vegas’ writing. This is some serious stuff and I miss having my organs stolen.
given that A) you meet him for all of five seconds, and B) your main character has absolutely zero sense of urgency.
This is literally me with every Bethesda recent game except Fallout 3. I’ll pour 70 hours or so into them, completing almost all of the side quests, exploring all the different areas, and by the time I return to the main quests I’m hopelessly over-leveled, they’re kind of boring, I’ve lost any emotional involvement…
I imagine that most players don’t care about the main character’s kid, given that A) you meet him for all of five seconds, and B) your main character has absolutely zero sense of urgency. Why search for your kid when you can just build a bunch of towers instead?
It is bad I still haven’t completed the main quest because I don’t care that much about the main character’s kid?
My friends who have autistic children have spoken out multiple times against autism speaks and their practices. They have asked their friends to support other organizations aimed at helping people with autism instead.
Autism Speaks is the worst. Their official position may be “we don’t know if vaccines cause autism” (which of course is bullshit) but they routinely host presenters who do at their conferences.
I read an AskReddit thread last month asking autistic individuals what they wished people knew about their lives. One of the highest-rated comments was from an autistic person saying that Autism Speaks was a “horrible” organization, and a lot of people on the Spectrum chimed in saying similar things, that the…
Berric was resurrected by Thoros like 50 times and he’s still kinda standing, and still possesses a sense of humor.
He’s the one that rode the centaur in Season 1 to the Battle of Mount Hyjal with Legolas..