It isn’t a bad game, it’s just has the largest online community, and when you get a community that big inevitably you are going to have a lot of jerks, and jerks stick out like sore fucking thumbs.
It isn’t a bad game, it’s just has the largest online community, and when you get a community that big inevitably you are going to have a lot of jerks, and jerks stick out like sore fucking thumbs.
I used to find that to be the case, but their new systems *really* seem to be helping to curb that. I still run into the occasional jerk, and everyone’s ego gets the better of them from time to time, but it’s nothing like it was a couple of years ago. If I play well and work with my teammates, I find the vast majority…
Shout out to everyone who sees through my sinister Jez agenda. Whahahahahahahahaha WHO YOU GONNA CALL?!
So you think building a bot to artificially inflate dislikes on a movie trailer that happens to be an all-female remake of a film is normal behavior?
ohhh lighten up Francis
Agenda? It’s the only trailer to ever be in the top 100 and it’s NOT the worst trailer of all time. Or the worst trailer of all time for a big movie.
no it’s America and we paid for you long as it’s halal.
If the meat and other animal products stay out of the kitchens of their restaurants, I see zero issue with what they do at home. I’m doubting they are the first meat eaters to own a vegan restaurant.
I mean, when I was vegan the only thing I craved was human flesh. I think that is just a thing.
I ate a Gracias Madre on Wednesday for the first time and it was quite delicious!
How do you know when someone is a vegan?
Looks like a controlled demolition. It was obviously an inside job!
I read your comment and I was like, whaaaat the hell? Where the hell did you get that? Then the penny dropped.
In my early 20s I worked in a supplement store. The manager of the herbal remedy/vitamin section got diagnosed with breast cancer, and she chose to do chemo but was very secretive about it except to a few of us. I remember her saying distinctly to me “I don’t want anyone to know because I don’t want people to think…
The dehydration alone would’ve necessitated hospitalization. Dehydrated children look like they’re knocking on death’s door because they are. That in itself is extremely dangerous. It’s how kids die of the flu and diarrhea in countries with inadequate health care. This whole story is infuriating and heartbreaking.
This is the fact that is killing me. I had meningitis (luckily, the viral kind) when I was 24. I was stiffening up at 3 days of illness. Before the stiffness, it just seemed like a bad flu. By the 3rd day, I had a very high fever and was vomiting everything that went in me, including any water. It was extremely…
I hear apple cider vinegar will clear that right up. Seriously though, I can’t believe we are parenting in 20- fucking-16 with people who are willfully denying their children protection from these painful and life threatening diseases.
I don’t even get how those remedies make any kind of sense. If water, syrup, juice, and berries were enough to heal you, why would anyone ever be sick in the first place?
Two and a half FUCKING weeks. What kind of monster watches their child deteriorate for TWO AND A HALF FUCKING WEEKS and doesn’t bring them to a doctor?!?! I’m sick of this idea that every bad idea deserves to be respected. Like the anti vaxxers. You’ve been heard. Your dead child proves you wrong. End of story.