
It's not the sole reason, but it is a factor. Popular culture is very pervasive and it can not only affect your own behavior, -it can shape the attitudes and behavior of everyone around you. When you're a teenager pop culture is the air you breathe. And if pop culture is telling you that you are unattractive or

Guys, I've been playing this video and singing along to this all night since I wrote this story. My boyfriend just walked over to me and said "could you please go back to playing that song from 'Frozen' or something?"

So, the fact that these men seem to have problems talking to the ladies probably lies more in their lack of confidence and resulting desire to debase women than the fact that they are Asian American.

It's only self-loathing until halfway. Then it's "GUBLBURUBLB.... I LOVE YOU MAAAAN."

I thought the first stage of grief was vodka? Have I been doing it wrong all this time?

Nope. Just figure it's a waste of time.

I realize you will dismiss this, but it's not really constructive to simply dismiss comments because you disagree with what is being said. That's not really what the button is for.

I'm actually fascinated with the notion of violence as a construct, because I would argue that while there is some (some!) evidence that men are more easily prone to violence, even a casual glimpse into history tells us that as societies have matured and developed, everyone has grown less violent. It's not some a

I don't understand what's so complex about the concept that "patriarchy is harmful and causes atrocities" is not the same statement as "men are harmful and cause atrocities." Even "men within a patriarchal culture may be incited to violence" is not the same statement as "men are violent." This is an utter failure to

Said person also said that I'm not a feminist because I'm a man. Also that I don't know anything about Japan and that there's no white racism issues there.

Yeah, this is an extremely problematic argument.

If you want to have a constructive conversation or discussion, or even just blurt out your feelings about an issue, it helps to at least have a well thought out enough statement that it goes beyond preaching to the choir.

Lemme tell you, a shit storm is coming. A mighty big one at that. How do I know? Well, it's my trick e-knee. I can feel it in my bones, I tell you, and I reckon it'll be one of the largest of the day.

*solidarity fist bump*

also it has TAPIOCA BALLS i.e BOOGIES in it.


I've had a mad crush on Paul Rudd since "Clueless". My husband told me he was driving to work the other day, going down the West Side Highway in Manhattan, when he saw Paul Rudd trying to hail a cab. I screamed at him, "Why didn't you stop and pick him UP? You could have brought him HOME!!"

Zoolander was supposed to be a parody, but...