As a server the ultimate burger makes me worry for everyone involved in its transport. God speed man.
As a server the ultimate burger makes me worry for everyone involved in its transport. God speed man.
So it's just 20/30-something yuppies taking pictures of shit they own.
only correction i'd add: not only in the last 13 years since Sept. 11th but waaaaay before (Iranian revolution is but one example...)
I have a good friend whose last name is Yemen. Despite the fact that he may actually be the whitest person I know - he's pasty with blond hair and is from Saskatchewan - he always gets extra attention at airports.
I want to make sweet sweet love to this woman's voice. Not that I want to have sex to a recording of her singing. I want to find a way to isolate her voice and somehow make love to it. Like... Really not creepy, sexy sweet love. Holy shit she is fucking amazing.
The article I read on this yesterday said that this practice is responsible for driving up the unemployment rate in BC and Alberta by several percentage points. Awesome. And many franchise owners are threatening to shut down or severely cut back hours. If you can't run a successful business following the laws of the…
Neither have I. But I still they are um.. unwise. I mean, 1,5 tons of steel against 180 pounds of flesh.. But this suit is still obsene.
I knew before I even got to the comments that there would be some devil's advocacy to complete my Callous Internet Horseshit Bingo card.
That Redditor forgot to include the parts where Sharlene Simon was speeding when she hit the boys as well as possibly texting, and that she was allowed to be driven home by her police offer husband without taking a breathalyzer...
I remember a bartender once scoffing at me that I wanted gin AND vermouth in a martini.
Don't forget to mention the part where her husband is a police officer and was driving behind her that night!
She has to be related to Stephen Harper, right? No way any Canadian not sharing some of his genes could be this much of a self-righteous asshole.
And that one time he was 12, you know, when he lectured the priests in the temple?
Da fuq? Mirror's Edge is absolutely a platformer. The entire game consists of running and jumping through levels while avoiding obstacles and pitfalls. That is the definition of a platform game.
Just an OT anecdote about the Amish: a friend of mine's FIL bought their kids this totally kickass hand built swing set/playhouse from the Amish. I was at her house when they came to install it and I say this with total honesty: I have never seen a group of people smoke so many cigarettes in my life. It was like an…